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Tre Modular Shape Mod

Tre Modular Shape Mod

Module d'effets pour synthé modulaire de la marque Tre Modular

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Tre Modular
  • Modèle : Shape Mod
  • Catégorie : Modules d'effets pour synthés modulaires
  • Fiche créée le : 10/10/2024

Tre Modular – Shape Mod is a versatile waveshaper inspired by soviet synthesizer Alisa 1377. This module not only functions as a powerful analog waveshaper but also has a built in ring modulator.

Waveshaping part of this module is based on Alisa 1377 waveshaper. However Shape mod is a step further. It has two additional waveshaping stages that expand on the original waveshaper’s capabilities, while still maintaining characteristic Alisa sound.

Shapeshifter gives control over the polarity of one of the waveshapers stages. This changes the characteristics of the resulting sound. It changes from softer sounding waveform to a more harsh sound.

Shape mod has a built in ring modulator using AS3363 IC. With nothing plugged in, waveshapers output is normaled to both ring modulator inputs.


Autres catégories dans Synthétiseurs modulaires

Autres dénominations : shapemod