1 182 vidéos
Qu Bit Chord V2
Masao Kigaki - Moon // Mutable Instruments Beads,…
Atomosynth Tottem Drumsynth Demo
Elango Présente Orphée Live @ Delta 2023 29 06
Eurorack Ambient Live Jam // Qu-Bit Nebulae, Marb…
ochd makes it better
Sound Exploration | Ochd + Plaits + Mutes
Balm | Feat. Digitone, Magneto, 1010Music Bitbox,…
Eurorack Drone // Instruo Øchd As Sequencer - Sci…
Rochd Out With Divkid & Instruo Ochd #Jamuary2020
First patch with Ochd
Generative Modular Ambience - Divkid Ochd Doing M…
Divkid Ochd W/ Manis Iteritas | Lfo Chaos
New Module Day - After Later Audio Baker And Inst…
Generative Patching With Ochd By @Divkid And @Ins…
Instruo Øchd — Il Miglior Tool Per Il Sound Desig…
Audio Rate Landscapes W/ Instruo Harmonaig, Saich…
Ochd as a clock? How this created an Aliens inspi…
04 - Instruo/Divkid Ochd Acid
Instruo Divkid Ochd As A Voice | Eurorack Modular…
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