Annonces Lifeforms Double Helix Oscillator
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Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Pittsburgh Modular
- Modèle : Lifeforms Double Helix Oscillator
- Série : Lifeforms
- Catégorie : Modules générateurs pour synthés modulaires
- Fiche créée le : 21/01/2017
Module générateur à double oscillateur analogique avec modulation et matrice pour le système Eurorack Lifeforms
Frequency Knob - Frequency control sweeps from LFO through the full audio range.
Fine Tune Knob - Limited range frequency control.
Blade|Pulse CV Knob - Blade wave shape and Pulse width control CV input attenuator.
FM CV Knob - Frequency modulation CV input attenuator.
V/O Input Jack - 1 volt per octave pitch tracking input.
Sine Wave Output Jack - Sine wave output jack.
Saw Wave Output Jack - Saw wave output jack.
Blade Wave Output Jack - Blade wave output jack.
Sub Wave Output Jack - Sub oscillator square wave output jack.
Pulse Wave Output Jack - Pulse wave output jack.
Frequency Knob - Frequency control sweeps from LFO through the full audio range.
Fine Tune Knob - Limited range frequency control.
FM CV Knob - Frequency modulation CV input attenuator.
V/O Input Jack - 1 volt per octave pitch tracking input.
Sine Wave Output Jack - Sine wave output jack.
Saw Wave Output Jack - Saw wave output jack.
Square Wave Output Jack - Square wave output jack.
Timbre CV Knob - Timbre control CV input attenuator.
Timbre Knob - Wave folder gain control.
Dynamics Knob - Low pass gate dynamics control. Full left, no gain and no harmonics. Full right, full gain and full harmonics.
Dynamics CV Knob - Dynamics control CV input attenuator.
Dynamics Response Knob - Sets the decay time related to the impulse gate input and dynamics CV input.
In 1 Input Jack - Contour section audio signal input mixed with In 2. This jack is normalled to the Primary Oscillator Sine Wave.
In 2 Input Jack - Contour section audio signal input mixed with In 1.
Impulse Input Jack - Gate or trigger input used to strike the dynamic impulse circuit and quickly modulate the dynamics of the audio signal.
Output Jack - Contour section audio signal output jack.
Frequency Knob - Frequency control sweeps through LFO range.
Square Output Jack - Square wave output jack.
Random Output Jack - Stepped Random CV output jack.
Sine Output Jack - Sine wave output jack.
Noise Output Jack - Analog noise output jack.
In A Input Jack - Modulation source A. This signal is sent through the voltage controlled router to any CV input switched to the A position. This jack is normaled to the modulation section sine wave.
VCR A CV Input Jack - CV input used to modulate channel A modulation signal level passed through to the routing switches.
VCR A Level Knob - Sets the channel A modulation signal level passed through to the routing switches.
FM 1 CV Input Source Switch - Sets Primary Oscillator FM CV input source. Select between A (up), B (down), A and B off (center). The selected signal is mixed with the signal from the FM 1 CV Input Jack.
FM 1 CV Input Jack - Primary Oscillator FM signal input jack. The input jack is mixed with the FM 1 CV Input Source Switch.
Blade|Pulse CV Input Source Switch - Sets Primary Oscillator blade wave shape and pulse width CV input source. Select between A (up), B (down), A and B off (center). The selected signal is mixed with the signal from the Blade|Pulse CV Input Jack.
Blade|Pulse CV Input Jack - Primary Oscillator blade wave shape and pulse width signal input jack. The input jack is mixed with the Blade|Pulse CV Input Source Switch.
FM 2 CV Input Source Switch - Sets Secondary Oscillator FM CV input source. Select between A (up), B (down), A and B off (center). The selected signal is mixed with the signal from the FM 2 CV Input Jack.
FM 2 CV Input Jack - Secondary Oscillator FM signal input jack. The input jack is mixed with the FM 2 CV Input Source Switch.
Timbre CV Input Source Switch - Sets the contour section timbre CV input source. Select between A (up), B (down), A and B off (center). The selected signal is mixed with the signal from the Timbre CV Input Jack.
Timbre CV Input Jack - Contour section timbre CV input jack. The input jack is mixed with the Timbre CV Input Source Switch.
Dynamics CV Input Source Switch - Sets the contour section dynamics CV input source. Select between A (up), B (down), A and B off (center). The selected signal is mixed with the signal from the Dynamics CV Input Jack.
Dynamics CV Input Jack - Contour section dynamics CV input jack. The input jack is mixed with the Dynamics CV Input Source Switch.
VCR Output Jack Source Switch - Sets the VCR output jack source. Select between A (up), B (down), A and B off (center).
VCR Output Jack - Channel A or Channel B signal output jack. Output of modulation signal passed through to the routing swtiches.
VCR B Level Knob - Sets the channel B modulation signal level passed through to the routing switches.
In B Input Jack - Modulation source B. This signal is sent through the voltage controlled router to any CV input switched to the B position. This jack is normaled to the modulation section sine wave.
VCR B CV Input Jack - CV input used to modulate channel B modulation signal level passed through to the routing switches.
Panel size: 28hp
Depth: 37mm
Power Usage: +12v 223mA, -12v 205mA. Does not require +5v. Reversed power polarity protection.
Autres catégories dans Synthétiseurs modulaires
Autres dénominations : lifeformsdoublehelixoscillator, doublehelixoscillator