Annonces EM-11
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- Fabricant : Electronica
- Modèle : EM-11
- Catégorie : Orgues
- Fiche créée le : 10/02/2016
Electronica EM - 11 is a portable polyphonic variety keyboard EMI. It is designed for playing solo and autoaccompaniment in professional groups (or it can be used at home).
The instrument has controlled chorus, timbres, that play sounds of traditional instruments. There is a possibility to control sound's decay and to shift pitch on 1/4 of tone. This instrument has 2X10 flute registers with level control, 2 flute fixed registers and 7 percussion registers with level control.
Specifications:- Total audible range - 9 octaves
- Keyboard's volume - 5 1/12 octaves
- Main voltage - 127 / 220V +/-10%
- Dimensions - 97х47х80 cm
- Weight - max 25 kg
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Autres catégories dans Pianos et orgues
Autres dénominations : em11