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< Tous les avis JL Cooper Electronics MSB+ Rev2
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JL Cooper Electronics MSB+ Rev2
JL Cooper Electronics MSB+ Rev2
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aseubert13 aseubert13

« Best Midi Patchbay on the Market »

Publié le 04/02/14 à 02:58
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Many people ask me what this machine is, and what it can do. First off, this box is designed for a keyboard player who has multiple synths in a keyboard setup. No, it's not the 'most' user-friendly device that has ever been made, but if you read the manual carefully, you should get somewhat a good idea how to use this.

First off, you need to make sure you are always in the correct 'mode.' Otherwise, you're routing assignments and Midi configurations will all be messed up! So always double check what mode you're in, because it can get confusing. That being said, it also obviously has many options, and is such a high class Midi router. It can route anything to anywhere. Really professional, really powerful.

It also sends program changes, or "sound changes" to each individual Midi Output. You can custom-build these sound change messages just to you're liking. You can even save these settings into 64 separate user-preset locations on the machine. They can be recalled in Program "PGM" mode by using the eight push-buttons to enter the numbers. This program change mechanism is my personal favorite part of this machine, and it's exactly why I said it is designed for a keyboard player with multiple synths. Many synths these days are so complicated, and take for ever to call up a sound because of keyboard's modern complexity. This machine can do all of that for you, via Midi. It can do all of this for ALL keyboards in your setup at ONCE, by simply punching in the number of the preset! Again, so professional.

To put the cherry on top, it has two built in Midi Processors. This is actually the most complicated part of this JL Cooper MSB+ Rev 2. They call it a "Rev 2" because it is the second version of the JL Cooper MSB+. The difference between the classic MSB+ and the MSB+ Rev 2, is the Rev 2 has two built in Midi Processors, which basically allows more Midi control! You can transpose, channel bump, and much more. As mentioned earlier, you can save 64 user presets on the JL Cooper. On most old patchbays, these presets are individual for what you are trying to do. For example, only a routing assignment can be saved to a preset. If you want a program change, that is its own preset. A midi processor is another separate preset, etc. With the JL Cooper, it combines all of these into one preset! You can send program changes, use Midi processors, route custom assignments, etc. all in one preset change! You no longer have to have separate presets for separate things. Very convenient. Some patchbays don't even have a processor, or the ability to send program changes.

So, this machine CAN do all of the above, and CAN do all of it at once. It is the most sophisticated Midi patchbay ever created and continues to be in a class of its own. It was actually the first ever patchbay to be considered a "Midi Switcher," because it can switch so many Midi messages (Program Changes, Processors, Assignments) all at one time. I remember a good friend of mine had to have five different patchbays (Yamaha MJC8 to be exact). One MJC8 sent program changes, one was routed to a tone module to apply a reverb effect, another one was sent to a seperate sold Midi processor to send to each keyboard. Another simply merged midi data from one master keyboard. What a pain! That's almost as bad as having to change all keyboard settings manually! Point is, the JL Cooper MSB+ Rev 2 would have been the better buy for him over the Yamaha MJC8, because the Cooper can do EVERYTHING each of his five other patchbays can do, all in one small box. Switch to a mode to do whatever Midi message you want to do, and when you're all set, touch the "write" button and assign it to a preset location by punching in the desired number. Switch to PGM mode to recall those presets.