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< Tous les avis Pedaltrain Pedaltrain Pro w/ Hard Case
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Pedaltrain Pedaltrain Pro w/ Hard Case
Pedaltrain Pedaltrain Pro w/ Hard Case
wwhhhaatt wwhhhaatt

« Cannot be beat »

Publié le 28/04/11 à 17:45
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Where were these boards years ago? I have been through all the other options from building my own ATA boards, retrofitting keyboard cases, to buying the powered stuff available and nothing comes close to the pedal trains. The board itself is extremely light weight and incredibly strong aluminum. I sometimes switch other pedals off while using my wah which means for a brief time I am putting all of my weight on the board. I weigh 180 lbs, sometimes more if the band is being paid in beer and this board handles it. The open slat design allows me to route all my power and signal cables neatly underneath the board using zip ties and zip tie holders. Some people may think this would make it more difficult to troubleshoot if a problem occurs but it actually keeps everything neatly inline so you can see where all the cables are headed. Plus with everything anchored this way it is very unlikely that something could go wrong.

Some people may prefer a powered board but I honestly do not see the benefit. The voodoo labs pedal power is an industry standard for a reason and the pedal train comes with brackets to easily mount it under the board. Most if not all all of the powered boards come with what is basically a glorified daisy chain for a power supply. They do not provide isolated outputs which for me is a necessity.

I purchased my board with the road case which has saved my large amount of pedals from the damage of the road. Whether you have roadies or you do your load outs yourself you know that things get tossed around.The case is very heavy but the wheels on end allow you to roll it into the venue with ease.