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< Tous les avis Technics SL-DZ1200
FP User FP User
Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Hella lot missing. the effecte are boo-boo. wish it had the effects of the numark cdx. u have to buy that sd memory card thats kinda cheese. i spent my last dollar on these things. no i gotta buy a memory stick 2? damn!!!!!!!

750 a peice

sound quality is good 2 go. it can also depend on ya mixer

the usability is great. the reasons i got the sl dz1200 is because they are more of a challenge rather that the numark cdx. its the exact replica of the sl 1200.

i havnt had them long enough to really comment on the durability. ive heard negative fee backs on them but not like the numarks cdx. no repaire yet although im waiting for one

i love em. for a challenge get the sl dz1200. if yer lazy get the numark cdx, for great effects get the pioneer cdj1000. all and all id stay wit the technics

Originally posted on
Posted by: djStickd ( 4-, 2006)