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Publié le 29/04/09 à 23:02(contenu en anglais)
Yes, it installed without any problems at all. As for compatibility issues it has had none so far. It does seem to take a lot of "thought" by my computer to get it open but no problems once it is there. The configuration and setup is very simple. I pretty much figured out how to use this device in a matter of minutes. It pretty much is a bunch of faders each set up to start playing the selected audio again. You use the fader to select when the "replay" is going to start and then tweak the volume, effects, etc.. for each one of those replays. In all honesty, I have not needed to reference the manual yet. I am sure there are a few things that would increase my efficiency on the plugin, but so far I can do what I need very easily.
I have a MacBook (2.2ghz, 4gb ram, 320HD) running Logic 8 with a Presonus Firepod and Firebox. So far there has been no problems with the plugin. As for performance, as I mentioned earlier, my computer seems to have to work fairly hard to get it open, nothing crazy like super long wait times or anything, it just takes two to three times longer than most of other plugins. Just seems kinda strange. Other than that it works great 10 out of 10 times i use it. I have had no crashing or problems saving presets so I say its Stable.
I have been using the 608 for about a month. What I like about it the most is its surprising ease of use. It looks very complicated and I am sure it probably does more than what I think, it took me only minutes to learn the basics myself. Another plus is that it lets you get into delay options you could never have with a traditional delay pedals. I mean you can effect each delay or "repeat" in so many ways that each "delay" can sound entirely different. One fun thing to do is set up the 608 to delay a vocal, but instead of just repeating the last phrase quieter each time, you can also increase the amount of distortion and reverb so that by the time you hear the last echo you will have heard a voice go from clean delay to just a distorted "wall of sound" kinda thing. Cool stuff. I have a few delay plugins as well as a few hardware ones but I have never really messed around with a "multi-delay" set up like this before. It really elevates the delay effect to another level. Psp offers pretty good stuff for not so huge prices, so thats good, but it is hard to shell out more than $100 dollars for a single effect, even when you got a good studio budget. But, all in all, it does its job very well so I think it is worth it. This has become a staple for me to run a idea through, so I would definitely make the same choice again.00moosers
Publié le 30/06/10 à 03:27(contenu en anglais)
The PSP 608 MultiDelay plug-in is an eight channel delay plug-in for systems of almost all types. It's compatible with both Windows and Macintosh systems, as well as RTAS, AU, and VST plug-in formats. You shouldn't have any issues installing the plug-in if you have a compatible system as most will. Learning the interface won't be as quick as with some other plug-ins, but the 608 is put together in a way that it isn't too complicated in light of how much is going on here. Each of the eight bands of delay includes parameters for feedback, delay time, filter, modulation, drive, and reverb. It also has main parameters for input, mix, and output levels, as well as a whole section for reverb and a screen to monitor your levels and control other parameters. It will definitely take users a good amount of use to get the full value of the plug-in, but it isn't difficult to get quick sounds if you don't go too in depth. A manual might be helpful for a beginner, but most of what goes on here is self explanatory.
I don't own the PSP 608 MultiDelay plug-in as I've only used it in a professional studio with a Pro Tools HD rig. We never had any problems running any plug-ins at all, so judging how well this plug-in will run probably isn't too accurate when comparing it to the system that I ran it on. It seems to be somewhere in the middle in terms of the processing power that it takes up, which didn't tax the system that I was running it on at all. I'd encourage that those really interested in the plug-in try out the demo to get a better idea of how well this will run on your own system.
While I've only used the PSP 608 MultiDelay plug-in on a handful of occasions, it isn't hard to tell that this delay plug-in has a whole lot of potential. In general the sounds aren't the warmest out there, but for a digital delay plug-in it definitely sounds above average. The best part about this plug-in in my opinion is simply the vast array of parameters that are here to work with. Having eight different bands of delay might seem like overkill, but if you're one who uses a lot of delay and likes to get creative with it, you'll definitely love playing with this plug-in. While it isn't as inexpensive as many of the other PSP plug-ins, it's still reasonably priced. I don't think that I would choose this as my first delay plug-in to buy, but at this price it's definitely one worth considering.00BérengerLMDM
Publié le 15/05/09 à 13:08- L'installation se fait-elle sans problème?
Aucun Problème non. j'ai appuyé sur le petit bouton et hop tout s'est fait tout seul...normal je dirai
- Avez vous rencontré des incompatibilités?
Aucune, je l'ai pas installé sur plein de trucs, juste sur WinXP avec Cubase SX3. ça marche nikel
- La configuration générale est-elle facile?
HahaAAA! C'est une usine à gaz leur truc. Tellement de choses parametrables.... Y'a un temps de prise en main non négligeable ou il est utile de se metre un coup de snare en boucle, un click et hop pendant 2/3 h tu apprends comment ça marche. Mais à la fin, tu te rend vite compte que c'est pas très compliqué... Tout est automatisable... c'est bon ça :D
Seul…Lire la suite- L'installation se fait-elle sans problème?
Aucun Problème non. j'ai appuyé sur le petit bouton et hop tout s'est fait tout seul...normal je dirai
- Avez vous rencontré des incompatibilités?
Aucune, je l'ai pas installé sur plein de trucs, juste sur WinXP avec Cubase SX3. ça marche nikel
- La configuration générale est-elle facile?
HahaAAA! C'est une usine à gaz leur truc. Tellement de choses parametrables.... Y'a un temps de prise en main non négligeable ou il est utile de se metre un coup de snare en boucle, un click et hop pendant 2/3 h tu apprends comment ça marche. Mais à la fin, tu te rend vite compte que c'est pas très compliqué... Tout est automatisable... c'est bon ça :D
Seul reproche : Pourquoi y'a pas de version TDM ? Ce plug est hyper gourmant en ressource processeur et y'a même pas une version TDM ? Halala M.PSP c'est pas cool ça... 7/10 parce que pas de TDM
- Quelle est la configuration de votre ordinateur? (Carte mère/processeur/Ram/disque/carte son..)
WinXP avec Core2Duo 3.2GHz, 2GO de RAM CORSAIR, carte son Motu 2408MK3
- Le logiciel fonctionne-t-il correctement sur cette configuration?
- Quelles sont ses performances?
Voir dessous
- Cette configuration matérielle+logicielle est-elle stable?
Tout à fait thierry. Mais très gourmant en processeur donc 8/10 à cause de ça
- Depuis combien de temps l'utilisez vous?
J'ai la version d'evaluation depuis peu de temps... je compte acheter le vrai.
- Quelle est la particularité que vous aimez le plus, le moins?
Le plus : Ce plugin est Magique. L'algorythme est très soigné, les delays que l'on peut obtenir sont tout simplement magique. A vrai dire j'ai tellement aimé le plugin que j'ai cherché si ça n'existait pas en hardware. En fait ce n'est apparemment pas une emulation d'appareil existant comme le psp42 par exemple.
Donc oui, effectivement je dirais que c'est LE delay pour la création musicale, electronique ou dub ou même pour plein d'autre truc...
- Aviez vous essayé beaucoup d'autres modèles avant de l'acquérir?
J'ai essayé du hardware comme du plugin, en plug j'ai pu goutter au 6TAP delay de chez Waves LTD en version TDM, et je trouve celui là carrement plus evolué, beaucoup plus soigné et d'une qualité sonore plsu élevée. Il a une certaine chaleur et profondeur que n'a pas le 6TAP.
- Comment jugez vous le rapport qualité/prix?
Pas encore acheté, j'ai vu qu'il coute 145$ sur le site, avec d'autre delays assez enormes aussi. Je pense que si on veux un pack de delay à la hauteur... c'est un bon rapport qualité prix
- Avec l'expérience, referiez vous ce choix?...
Avec l'experience, je vais faire ce choix :D
9/10, parce que apparement même en l'utilisant à long termes, on doit avoir du mal à arriver au bout de ses possibilitésLire moins00