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Spin Audio Spin Delay
Spin Audio Spin Delay
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Publié le 04/10/11 à 02:49
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Spin Audio's Spin Delay is an old VST plug-in that is no longer sold. It's a Windows only and I'm not sure if it's still floating around out there for download. I had it on my old system more than five years ago. The plug-in has two separate tap delays, a mixer, and delay calculator to help you time it to the song. I don't remember much about installing the plug-in on my old system as it's been a while now, but I used it in Cubase SX 2.0 and 3. It's a pretty in depth plug-in in terms of the control that you've got available to you. You can do a lot with it, especially between the two taps and the calculator which makes it really easy to time delays. I don't remember much about the process of getting it up and running, but first you should be concerned with finding a download and I think that if you've got a PC and a DAW that runs VST, you'll be all set. I don't think a manual was ever made for this plug-in.


I used to run the Spin Audio Spin Delay in Cubase SX and on a Hewlett Packard Pavilion dv8000 Notebook. The computer had a single 3.0 Ghz processor and 2 GB of RAM to work with, which was enough for me to run Cubase with a good amount of tracks and plug-ins. I don't recall ever having a problem running this plug-in on this system, and if you have a somewhat modern PC, I can't imagine anyone experiencing lag due to this plug-in, but you'll never know until you try it.


While not exactly a modern plug-in as far as the computer age is concerned, Spin Audio's Spin Delay can still be useful if you've got a PC running Windows and a DAW that can run VST plug-ins, which should be all of them. It's actually a pretty cool sounding plug-in, although it's not smoothest sounding digital delay I've heard. Even so, you can get by with it if you don't have any other options as there is definitely a lot of control over the sound you hear. If you have a PC and are looking for a pretty decent delay plug, check out Spin Delay if you can find it!