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< Tous les avis Marshall RF-1 Reflector
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Marshall RF-1 Reflector
Marshall RF-1 Reflector

Réverb Guitare de la marque Marshall appartenant à la série Effects

mooseherman mooseherman

« Pretty Solid Digital Reverb »

Publié le 08/12/10 à 19:31
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is a reverb pedal made by Marshall. Marshall is primarily known for their amps but they are also increasing production of effects pedals. This one is a digital reverb with a lot of different settings. There is a 1/4" jack for input and output, and an input for a power adapter. This pedal is not capable of being edited through MIDI or with a computer. It is also not a rackable unit.


This pedal is a pretty easy one to use overall, it's got a pretty basic functionality to it. It has a mode knob which switches between 6 different modes of reverb (hall, plate, room, spring 1 and 2, and reverse.) There are also knobs for damping, reverb time, and level. The manual explains each function pretty clearly but you can get a feel for using it without the manual pretty easily, in fact I'd say you don't need it in the least as you'll learn more from just using the pedal in practice.


I like this pedal for a lot of different things. For a live reverb in a difficult acoustic environment, it's got enough functionality to get great tones. The damping knob really makes this pedal more interesting, you don't always see that on this pedals, and I think that makes the difference. It can give you a variety of reverbs, from a surf-rock drenching reverb to a light room sound. Most of the 6 modes are pretty accurate in terms of their descriptions, and they all work pretty well. I really don't think they compare to analog or tube or spring versions of these effects but they do a pretty solid replication for a pedal.


While this isn't my favorite reverb pedal, it's pretty good for a digital, and one of the better pedals that Marshall makes. I'd say it most likely works best with the Marshall pedals, I don't use it with my Twin Reverb because that has its own reverb obviously. I like that it isn't too much money but is still pretty useful. I definitely would recommend this for somebody who needs a versatile reverb pedal and needs a more functional pedal that still sounds good.