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  • xxmartinxxxxmartinxx

    Zvex Super DuperPublié le 02/10/11 à 23:46
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    - Two Crackle Okay knobs
    - Master volume knob for one of the two channels
    - LED
    - 9 Volt adapter requires modification or replacement bottom plate.
    - Hand painted enclosure
    - True bypass


    This is basically two Super Hard Ons stuck in the same enclosure, one with a Master Volume knob. The sound is similar to that of the normal Super Hard On. The only thing changing is you are getting just slightly more ability to change the sound. You can also cascade them both together to get higher gain sounds. Regardless of those few upgrades from the original Super Hard On, the Super Duper is still grossly lacking in terms of flexibility.


    Like previously stated, it sounds like two Super Hard Ons in one box. This can either be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you like the sound of the Super Hard On. Personally, I find the SHO to be very bright and hi-fi sounding. It can be a bit overbearing and painful depending on the setup. For what it does, it can good. It could sound a lot better and be a lot more useful with a few more knobs. Maybe even just one knob.


    I have a few problems with this pedal. First off, the price is extremely high. The features are very limited. The sound is decent, but I don't think that it justifies the high price. It is nice to be able to have a Master volume knob on one of the two "pedals". It's also fun to cascade them both together. That being said, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, the price is simply not justified. Even the lower priced version (Vetter series) is way too much money for both terms of functionality as well as sound quality. Many other higher end pedals offer a lot more (in terms of tone and features) for the same or less (sometimes a lot less) money.
  • moosersmoosers

    Zvex Super DuperPublié le 07/03/11 à 21:36
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Zvex Super Duper is a two in one booster and overdrive pedal for electric guitar. It's an analog pedal that has the basic make up of 1/4" connections for input and output and requires nine volt power from a battery. It's not rackable as it's a stomp box to be engaged by your foot while you're playing.


    The make up of the Zvex Super Duper makes it really easy to use. The first and second channels have almost the same circuitry, but the second channel has a master volume knob in addition that gives it all the more gain. Each just has a gain knob as well as the master volume knob that is present in the second channel. It's possible to have each one on or off independently as well as use the two of them together. Each has it's own foot switch. The pedal shouldn't require a manual for use as it's really simple to get the hang of it.


    The sound of the Zvex Super Duper can vary quite a bit, from giving you a really subtle drive boost to full on mayhem. It's possible to get some wild drive sounds out of this, but I really like it for subtle boosting for leads and such. The best part about it has to be it's versatility, as you can do a lot of things in it since it's really got two drives in one. Each of the two channels are somewhat unique, as the master volume knob adds a lot to the second channel. It's when the two of them are engaged together where you really can make some noise...


    The Zvex Super Duper pedal is a really cool one for those who like versatile booster/overdrive pedals. It's super easy to use and it's not at all hard to get a wide collection of different sounds between the two channels. It's also got true bypass so no worries when it's not engaged or at lower volumes. The price isn't cheap but it's about right for a two channel pedal for this type. Probably a bit out of the price range for amateurs, but semi-professionals and professionals definitely need to check this one out.
  • iamqmaniamqman

    Zvex Super DuperPublié le 12/04/11 à 22:37
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The best of both worlds. This is basically two Super Hard On's in one easy box. If you like the features of the original Super Hard on and you think it might be too simple and need a little extra then this is your pedal. The cool thing about this pedal is that it does have two units inside but also a master volume control when you have activated both sides of the box.

    * Hand-painted artwork unique to each pedal
    * 2 Super Hard On circuits in one
    * Channel 1 cascades into Channel 2 for incredibly dangerous amounts of gain
    * Master Volume control lets you enjoy the madness at lower volumes


    Channel 1

    Channel 1 is a conventional Super Hard On, with a gain control on the far right and a yellow LED to let you know when it's engaged. If you're familiar with the SHO, you know that it's a very sparkly sounding, high input-impedance preamp with incredible headroom, wide-ranging gain (unity to 60X!), and a maximum volume that will knock out your fillings. Channel one has no Master Volume control, but it's cascaded into Channel 2, which does.

    Channel 2 and Master Volume

    This channel has the very same circuit as Channel 1, but the bleeder resistor on the output has been replaced with a Master Volume control, allowing you to turn down the output volume even if the gain is cranked. When Channel 2 or both channels are on, the Master Volume is active.


    The sound is great if you need a little extra ummph to your tone or weak guitar pickups. That is what the Super Hard on is for. If you want that plus the option of taking it up another level click the left side and you get an extra cascading overdrive.

    This pedal will work great on any guitar or any amp. It is very versatile in that way. I like pushing overdriven high gain amps with this pedal. Try is out with a Super Strat or a Les Paul into a Marshall JMP or JCM 800 and you will get some sweet natural overdriven tones. Try jumping a JMP with the jumper cable and pushing this thing with only one side of the boost and you will get a sweet classic rock tone.


    This is one fantastic pedal, good for multiple purposes. I like clean boost pedals and giving the pedal a click to get some warm clarity is real nice in front of an overdriven amp. at new these units come in at around $320 a pop. That might be a little high some some people but the difference in this pedal when it is clicked on will have you wondering why you didn't do it a lot sooner.

    I would recommend this pedal to anyone who needs a great two booster pedal. if this is a little too high in price another good pedal similar to this one is the Draconis Dual Boost from Lizard Leg Effects. That one is about $100 cheaper and is an awesome pedal as well.
  • xxmartinxxxxmartinxx

    Deux est légèrement meilleur que celui

    Zvex Super DuperPublié le 03/10/11 à 00:08
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    - Two Crackle Okay knobs
    - Master volume knob for one of the two channels
    - LED
    - 9 Volt adapter requires modification or replacement bottom plate.
    - Hand painted enclosure
    - True bypass


    This is basically two Super Hard Ons stuck in the same enclosure, one with a Master Volume knob. The sound is similar to that of the normal Super Hard On. The only thing changing is you are getting just slightly more ability to change the sound. You can also cascade them both together to get higher gain sounds. Regardless of those few upgrades from the original Super Hard On, the Super Duper is still grossly lacking in terms of flexibility.


    Like previously stated, it sounds like two Super Hard Ons in one box. This can either be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you like the sound of the Super Hard On. Personally, I find the SHO to be very bright and hi-fi sounding. It can be a bit overbearing and painful depending on the setup. For what it does, it can good. It could sound a lot better and be a lot more useful with a few more knobs. Maybe even just one knob.


    I have a few problems with this pedal. First off, the price is extremely high. The features are very limited. The sound is decent, but I don't think that it justifies the high price. It is nice to be able to have a Master volume knob on one of the two "pedals". It's also fun to cascade them both together. That being said, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, the price is simply not justified. Even the lower priced version (Vexter series) is way too much money for both terms of functionality as well as sound quality. Many other higher end pedals offer a lot more (in terms of tone and features) for the same or less (sometimes a lot less) money.
  • Anonyme

    Zvex Super DuperPublié le 09/03/09 à 13:23
    La Super Duper 2 in 1 est une pédale de pré-amplification. Elle dérive de la Super Hard ON (en français, la "grosse érection"), dite SHO. En fait il s'agit tout simplement de deux SHO en série.
    L'idée d'une pédale de pré-amplification est de "booster" le signal sans le colorer ni le déformer. De quoi redonner un peu de pêche à un signal anémique.
    La construction est haut-de-gamme, comme d'habitude chez ZVex. Fabriquée à la main, peinte à la main, signée par le peintre (Jason Mylord pour la mienne) et par Zack Vex.
    La finition est originale (encore plus si vous réussissez à dégoter une pédale custom) et irréprochable.
    Elle est alimentée par une pile 9V accessible après avoir dévisser l'embas…
    Lire la suite
    La Super Duper 2 in 1 est une pédale de pré-amplification. Elle dérive de la Super Hard ON (en français, la "grosse érection"), dite SHO. En fait il s'agit tout simplement de deux SHO en série.
    L'idée d'une pédale de pré-amplification est de "booster" le signal sans le colorer ni le déformer. De quoi redonner un peu de pêche à un signal anémique.
    La construction est haut-de-gamme, comme d'habitude chez ZVex. Fabriquée à la main, peinte à la main, signée par le peintre (Jason Mylord pour la mienne) et par Zack Vex.
    La finition est originale (encore plus si vous réussissez à dégoter une pédale custom) et irréprochable.
    Elle est alimentée par une pile 9V accessible après avoir dévisser l'embase. Pas d'alimentation secteur possible.
    On retrouve une entrée/sortie instrument, un bouton volume et une commande gain pour la première SHO, et une commande de gain pour la seconde SHO. Deux footswitchs permettent d'activer séparément les deux SHO.

    Ajoutez qu'elle est livrée dans une petite boite en carton, enveloppée dans un chiffon fermé par des dés fantaisies.

    Tout ceci respire l'artisanat de qualité.


    C'est une pédale : on branche et on tourne les 3 boutons disponibles. Difficile de faire plus simple.

    Obtient-on un bon son ?
    En fait, pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas ZVex, chaque modèle est un peu particulier. Il faut tourner les boutons un peu au hasard pour obtenir un son qui nous plaise. Alors oui on obtient un bon son, mais pas forcement celui que l'on cherchait au départ !!! L'utilisation est plus intuitive que réfléchie.

    Le "manuel" fourni fait partie du charme de l'ensemble. Beaucoup d'humour mais aussi de sérieux derrière la fantaisie.

    Seul point noir : la pile. Pas d'alimentation secteur possible et il faut démonter la pédale pour y accéder !! Ceci permet cependant d'admirer l'intérieur de la bête !!

    Je mets 9/10 pour ce dernier point pas très écolo ...


    Avec une seule SHO et un drive faible, le boost est réellement transparent et redonne vie à des micros anémiés.
    Quand on pousse le gain, le son se "salit" progressivement jusqu'à saturer franchement.

    Note : quand on modifie le drive, un craquement se fait entendre. Ceci est tout à fait normal, comme le précise avec insistance Zack. On rit mais ceci a valu beaucoup de retours au début de la commercialisation de cette pédale !!

    Le second SHO permet d'avoir un second boost sous le pied ou de grossir la saturation.

    Finalement on se retrouve avec un ou deux boosts, ou même avec un ou deux voire trois étages de gain.
    Une pédale à tout faire idéale pour les amplis et les guitares vintages.


    Vous avez une guitare aux micros un peu faiblards (comme une Danelectro par exemple) ou bien un ampli vintage sans master volume (comme un bon vieux Fender des années 50) ?
    Cette pédale viendra re dynamiser votre son ou faire saturer votre vieil ampli à lampes sans avoir à pousser à fond le volume, tout en gardant LE son si précieux de votre ensemble guitare-ampli. Sinon vous pouvez aussi ajouter trois canaux supplémentaires à votre ampli mono-canal.

    Une pédale artisanale haut-de-gamme définitivement hors norme.

    Le prix ? Parle-t-on d'argent dans l'art ?
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