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< Tous les avis Ultra 2445BK Basic Guitar Stand
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Ultra 2445BK Basic Guitar Stand
Ultra 2445BK Basic Guitar Stand
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Publié le 21/12/10 à 07:33
Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Ultra 2445BK Basic Guitar Stand is just as the name states. There’s nothing special about this stand, but it’s suitable for holding acoustic and electric guitars alike. I’ve got a few of them at my house that keep my Fender Jazzmaster and Guild acoustic guitar in place for easy access. This is about as cheap as you’re going to find a guitar stand, and in my opinion there’s no reason to spend more on anything else. It’s height adjustable which makes it useful for guitars of all sizes, which is great for me as I like to switch guitars out here and there depending on what I’ve been playing a lot. In a studio these are especially important as every player usually likes to have one or two of them to have their guitar or bass stable and easy to grab when inspiration strikes. Again, I can’t say that there’s anything that helps the Ultra 2445BK Basic Guitar Stand stick out other than the price, which in most cases should be the main focus anyway. I can’t see why you’d need to spend more than $10 for a guitar stand as you’ll be spending here. Anything more just seems unnecessary as I don’t think other stands could really offer anything else other than perhaps a sturdier build. For me, these will always be the perfect guitar stands for my home and studio as long as they are this cheap. As long as you have everything put together correctly and it’s not crooked, it will hold your guitar in place as I’ve never worried about anything falling out of these. It may not be made of the best materials, but something has got to give at a price like this. Definitely go ahead and grab a few of these if you need some guitar stands…