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« fostex 280 »
Publié le 27/10/14 à 04:31
Hi about the fostex 280,Ive owned one for about 21 years now, and its still in great working order,it has a very nice warm sound, and has been very reliable for me, and still to this day, i also just got lucky and bought brand new fostex 380-s,which of course has Dolby s reduction very nice sound with this noise reduction, in fact the fostex 380-s is the only 4 track recorder with Dolby s no one other than reel to reel machine's had this.I wanted to make a comment about the other review ,that talks about this machine, i'm not sure who wrote about the fostex 280, but there's many error's about what they wrote,First off there's only 4 tracks,and was never 8 tracks not sure where all there info was coming from, it seems most of what they wrote is completely wrong about this machine sorry to say.You can find a few on eBay once in a while, and the 380-s, so if your interested ,there in my opinion a great machine.