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< Tous les avis Mixed Logic Mixed Logic M24
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Mixed Logic Mixed Logic M24
Mixed Logic Mixed Logic M24
mrjason mrjason

« Nice control surface, but no ins or outs »

Publié le 25/11/12 à 09:17
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Mixed Logic M24 is the ultimate control interface for someone who has a medium sized studio. There are a total of 24 motorized faders on the m24, and 24 pan controls as well. This surface is very well built and will last a long time. It reminds me a lot of some of the higher end Pro Tools boards because of how well it is made and all of the functions that it can handle. It is not very cheap though and it does cost over 2500 dollars (well it did while ago, not too sure what the price is now). It has a 40 character backlit display that has 4 display lines. There are over 140 large LED lights too giving every single thing that you need to have when it comes to larger boards.
Setting this up can be a long and daunting process especially if you are using a software DAW that will make you jump through loops to get it to work right. Also keep in mind there are no audio inputs or outputs on this device as it is not an interface it is just a control surface for your DAW. Now depending on which DAW you use with it, it will give you great control over your workflow and workspace.

This unit is rather big though and it will take up your whole work space desk, so make sure you have the room for it. It is not very heavy only weighing about 30 pounds or so but it looks a lot heavier. I just don’t think it is made out of thicker and heavier material. If you have the room and the money for a big control surface then this is the best one you can get for the money. With that being said, I think they have you are willing to spend over 2 grand on this control surface you mine as well just spend a little more and get a whole Pro Tools set up that has audio inputs and outputs. So at the end of the day this is a great controller surface, but I would not choose it over a Pro Tools work surface with a full input and output board.