3 736 vidéos
The Sunny Side Of The Pwm Malevolent Synth (More …
First Contact - Pwm Malevolent Synth [Sound Demo]…
Moog Muse likes to be tuned
Yamaha Sk20 — Sigur Rós Organ, String Machine & S…
Is The Ob-X8 Still The Best Flagship Synth In 202…
Oberheim Ob-X8 - King Of Synths
Oberheim Ob-X8 Sounds Stunning!
Oberheim Ob-X8 Sound Demo (No Fx) - My Favorite P…
Oberheim Obx8 Custom Patches - No Fx - Just Pure …
Oberheim Teo-5 : Le Nouveau Synthé Polyphonique 5…
Ob-X8 Os Version 2.0 Update - New Synthesis And P…
Ob-X8 - Firmware 2.0 - Binaural Mode & Poly Chain
Oberheim OB-X8 version 2.0 firmware update featur…
Knobcon 2024's Most Impressive Gear
Chorus effect + volca keys + cassette tape record…
Polybrute 12 Demo Sounds: Fabryczne Dźwięki Od Ku…
Prophet Rev2 Soundset - Vcm Voice Component Model…
Prophet Rev2 Soundset - Vcm Voice Component Model…
Introducing Ub-Xa Operating System 2 0
Vintage Japanese phase shifter effect suddenly br…
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