bug arpeggiator
- 18 réponses
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salut tout le monde!
j'ai la speckie 2 avec le dernier OS. Mais son arpeggiator bug au bout de 3 ou 4 minutes d'utilisation .
je voudrais savoir si ce problème vous arrive aussi avec l'os 1.04k? car normalement ce problème devrais être corrigé d'après le forum de radikal!
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Alors là ma spectralis ils ne sont pas prêt d'y toucher ! Les plus méritants seront peut-être, je dis bien peut-être, couchés sur mon heritage.
Postby Jörg Schaaf » Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:06 pm
1.) Bugs must get fixed - there is no question about that.
2.) I must admit that I never used the arpeggiator this way. Normally I am playing some chords in a progression with an activated arpeggiator. I never experienced that bug in all my songs, where I am using the ARP. So I do not agree, that the bug is rendering the Arpeggiator completly useless. It is useless, if you are using it in a pattern forever without any changes. But if you are using the arpeggiator in a typical way, you will never reach that error situation because it simply takes too much time until it happens.
3.) If I need a little sequence that is running forever, I am using the step sequencer. I think, that is a good workaround for that bug. Entering the notes in the sequencer learnmidi mode is not so different from entering notes into the Arp - the only difference that you are entering the notes one note after the other and holding down the encoder buttons of the note positions.
But thank you dest4B to give us the step by step instruction. That is a great help for the development. I now succesfully forced my machine to run crazy. So far I never had the situation, that I have to reboot. Deactivating the Arp, setting the resolution to 192 and back to 16th and activating the arp again so far always solved the problem. But however - the bug must get fixed.
Just a few notes, why we can't just fix that bug right now. Version 1.04K is a very old version. We are meanwhile in our development at version 1.04o. We already made a lot of changes in the file system (to overcome the 255 file entries limitation, in the parameter recording, in the sound name memory allocation for sound lists etc.). If we would now fix that ARP bug and would publish a 1.04p this version would include a lot of not really betatested features I want to avoid for customers as they are much more dangerous than this ARP bug.
As mentioned already - after releasing the ACC we will spend time into the Spectralis development again. The next update will also include the ARP bug fix. Meanwhile you should use the step sequencer for those tasks. I played today one pattern with the arpeggiator for at least 10 minutes with chord progressions without running into that bug but by using the same settings like dest4b. Under normal conditions the ARP runs fine.
pour faire jouer des sequences fixes, il preconnise d'utiliser le step-sequenceur...
mais le bug devrait quand meme etre fixer avec la MAJ...
PK crew( à l'abandon) / Mixcloud / 3'ks
En vrai t'es Eddie Barclay avoue :oops2:
quant je joue en live avec l'ARP il arrive parfois que ça bug.
quant je lance un enregistrement le premier accord ou la premiére note joué n'est pas joué en ARP alors que je suis bien en mode ARP sur la deuxiéme mesure de l'enregistrement ça revient.
j'adore Jörg Schaaf mais j'ai l'impréssion qu'il n'a pas le même OS que nous!? enfin vivement l'OS miracle car là ça commence à devenir lourd.
[ Dernière édition du message le 14/04/2011 à 22:38:24 ]
2011-11-xx, V1.05A
- Fix: Arp may start playing 192th notes after a while (~5 minutes at 100BPM) when synced from the sequencer.
Tu crois pas qu'ils auraient pu nous la filer avant celle la ?
[ Dernière édition du message le 24/04/2013 à 18:24:58 ]
Surtout un bug comme celui-la!
Mais "nous n'avons pas les moyens de le faire parler, Scheiße"
...Difficile de savoir le pourquoi du comment...
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