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Ampeg VH-140C Head

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  • nickname009nickname009

    Ampeg VH-140C HeadPublié le 07/09/11 à 05:21
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    2 channels:

    Channel A: gain low,ultra mid, high and level.
    Channel B: Gain, low, mid, high and level.

    On board Reverb : Rev A and Rev B.

    On board Chorus: Depth A, Depth B, and universal Rate.

    Effects loop.


    Just like the combo version, very simple to use once you get used to the fact that Channel A is the distortion channel and channel B is the clean channel.

    The chorus is very good, very jazz chorus-like and deep. The reverb is also decent. I'm not a HUGE fan of reverb generally, I seldom use it for cleans and nothing else.

    Has a footswitch to change the channels though i used a generic one just to kick the channels in and out.


    This has become one of the better solidstate amps for metal these days. The gain is clear, and bright but not shrill. There's also TONS of gain on tap and even when maxed out it's very very tight.

    of course everybody refers to this amp with the old suffocation records, and it's definitely the right amp for that sound. Though I also think it's quite capable of a lot more! It can pretty much suit any high gain application!

    The cleans are quite good too! Especially when you kick the chorus in, you get a really cool 80s, 90s metallica-ish clean. Lots of headroom too of course.

    I'd say this is a perfect amp for getting the 80s metal tones and good for the drop tuning stuff too!


    I've owned both versions the combo and the head and both have been really consistent in how they sound. There has been some problems with the jacks the last time however, they've been replaced and now the amp seems to be fully functional.

    Great metal amp for super heavy and thrash sounds! Maybe even better for Meshuggah type, drop tune, 8 string etc stuff! It'd sound KILLER!