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< Tous les avis Fender Pro Tube Super-Sonic 60 Head
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Fender Pro Tube Super-Sonic 60 Head
Fender Pro Tube Super-Sonic 60 Head
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« One of the best modern Fenders »

Publié le 01/08/11 à 03:43
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
- Two channels, clean and burn
- Clean channel break down into Vibrolux and Bassman modes
- Clean controls for volume, bass, treble
- Dual cascading gain controls
- Burn controls for drive 1, drive 2, treble, mids, bass, volume
- All tube circuitry
- 60 watts
- Footswitchable effects loop w/IO levels
- Extension speaker jack
- Pre out
- Power in


Lots of killer features on this amp. Basically three differently voiced channels. Dual cascading gain takes a little time to get used to, but is a great addition. The level controls on the effects loop make it much more usable, and can also act as a 4th channel/boost with the footswitch.
My one big complaint is the volume discrepancy between the Vibrolux and Bassman models on the clean channel. It basically makes switching between them near impossible so you’re stuck with whichever one you choose. Seems to be very solidly built, no reliability issues.


Lots of great sounds to be coaxed from this Fender. The Vibrolux mode on the clean side delivers all the sharp trebly cleans you could want. A little too much high end brightness for my taste, almost icy. You have to be careful what kind of guitar you pair with it, the bridge pickup of a telecaster would just not work. The Bassman channel actually does a pretty good job of modelling the vintage Bassman tone.
On the drive channel, you really have to work with the cascading gain controls to get what you want. It takes a little while, but you can dial in just about any kind of drive setting, and it gets surprisingly heavy for a fender.


Probably the most versatile Fender I’ve ever used, and by far one of their best current offerings. Selling for $900 new at the moment, it is definitely an affordable amp, with used models in good condition going for less than 600. I know a few people that have decided this is the only amp they need for live playing. Versatility, reliability,’s difficult to make a case against this one.

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