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< Tous les avis Morgan Amplification AC20 Head
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Morgan Amplification AC20 Head
Morgan Amplification AC20 Head
James... James...

« Great great awesome »

Publié le 25/02/12 à 21:39
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Volume and cut controls
Bright switch
Hand selected hand made Coupling Capacitors
Mercury Magnetics transformers
Cathode Bias
2 12AX7
2 EL84
GZ34 rectified
Dimensions -
Head - 17w 9.75h 7.5d


First my setup. I run a Fender Starcaster (the old kind) through a small pedalboard into the AC20 and then into a CAE 2x12. Keep in mind this is my actual touring setup for a pop rock band. (think U2 meets the killers) The AC20 is plenty loud for the venues we play, which are small clubs that hold maybe 400-500. This is essentially an AC30 design with a couple of tiny capacitor mods. You might say, 'what's so special about this?' Well these days it is hard to find a really well made AC30 style amp, believe it or not. Most people are trying to make their own thing, but the AC20 from Morgan is basically true to the original Vox tone with a different wattage of course. These are quality amps and look great too. I'm a big fan of Morgan's attention to build.

This is a no frills amp if you haven't figured that out. Basically you are supposed to crank the volume and adjust the cut to taste. Easy enough?


I usually run my volume a little past noon to where it's at light breakup. If I need clean sounds, I just ease up on the guitar volume. All you really need to make this amp sing is a good overdrive and maybe a delay of some sort. I am kind of a delay freak, so that's my recipe for this amp. The AC20 is tone wise, basically an AC30. It will do the U2 tone. It will do the Hillsong tone. What more do you want? My best advice is buy a fulltone OCD for it. That pedal along with a crowther hotcake really love the ac20.


It's not particularly cheap for an amp of this wattage or feature set. Seriously, you get two knobs. That's all guys. That's all I need. You should make sure that's all you need too. If you are in a top 40 band this might not be your guy. If you need the ac30 tone in spades...well this is the one. Highly recommended. Morgan stands by their stuff too. You will hear nothing but good things about this company.