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< Tous les avis Peavey Triple XXX Head
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Peavey Triple XXX Head
Peavey Triple XXX Head

Tête d'ampli guitare tout lampe de la marque Peavey appartenant à la série Triple XXX

nickname009 nickname009
Publié le 22/04/11 à 02:36
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
* 120W tube power
* 3 footswitchable channels
* Clean channel: volume, passive 3-band EQ
* Crunch channel: gain, volume, active 3-band EQ
* Ultra channel: gain, volume, active 3-band EQ
* Master volume
* Footswitchable effects loop
* Damping switch: tight, medium, loose
* Line out with level control
* Footswitch included


Peavey's classic XXX model, one of if not, the most important staple amp models from peavey. I believe, based off the older model named the ultra. All of these have the basic setup, 3 channels, seperate EQ for clean and dirty.

The knobs are active, meaning they are very sensitive and tweak the tone a LOT with very minor tweaks. So don't expect to go too your standard settings, they'll probably be a bit too extreme. Otherwise, I'd say this is very very easy to use, just a regular 3 channel head.


here we go with the in-depth reviews

clean: Lots of headroom, not too bright like a fender but very very usable. Peavey amps haven't been known for clean but this is definitely a usable one. Adding effects like reverb or delay would make this a very usable clean.

Crunch: The main rhythm channel that one would use, very high gain if you want it to be, also very noisy depending on where you set the gain. It's very modern sounding, not scooped perse but definitely not very vintagey either. The distortion is pretty flexible in terms of the sound it can get high gain hard rock or super shreddy, death metal etc if you want.

Ultra gain: the tone is essentially the same I'd say but just more of a mid range boost with loads of gain. Things can get very muddy here if you don't EQ it properly. Again, very modern sounding. I rarely ever use this channel, mainly for crazy high gain-like solos or maybe some crazy harmonics and noises but the main sound is the crunch channel, I think most players would do the same.

Overall the sounds are very decent, and modern for high gain modern rock and metal but I wouldn't say it's very versatile in every sense. Only very versatile for the modern peavey-like sounds. Which is mainly high gain.


Overall it's a good metal amp. Very tweakable of the peavey sound, but it is still generally just one sound with different variations to tweaking it, gain or mids, harmonics etc. So it's versatile in the sense that the one sound is tweakable, but it's not versatile in the sense that it can do vintage and modern sounds etc.
The clean sounds are also good but not reminiscent of any signature fenders or older boogie cleans.

But definitely a great amp for metal! Plenty of gain!