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Zvex Tremorama
Petite annonce
Zvex Tremorama

Tremolo guitare de la marque Zvex

Vends Tremolo ZVEX

Comme neuf  |  Complet
225 €
La Chaux-De-Fonds,
Postée il y a 1 mois - Expire dans 44 jours - 14 vues
Livraison possible
Charte Conseils


ZVEX Tremorama Tremolo Step Sequence with individual volume control per step. 4/8/6 steps selectable. Speed – control and random button.

The Tremorama has all of the functions of the Seek-Trem plus it has an extra foot switch on the left that allows you to select random mode, which sounds a little bit like a bad guitar cord that is cutting in and out in time with the tremolo speed. Otherwise the Tremorama is an eight-stage sequencer-controlled tremolo pedal. The controls are, from left to right, 4/8/6 step selector switch, speed (tempo), and 8 sequencer volume controls. All of the controls work in the opposite direction from conventional because the pots are smoother this way. This means you have to turn them to the left to make them louder, or in the case of the speed control, to make it faster.

Power supply: 9vDC
La Chaux-De-Fonds,
La Chaux-De-Fonds,
Postée il y a 1 mois - Expire dans 44 jours - 14 vues
Livraison possible
  • Vendeur pro
  • 59 annonces
< 48h délai réponse
89.61% taux réponse
8 ans sur AF
Achat sécurisé
Sécurisé en 3 ou 4x
4 x 57,69 €
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