Sujet de la discussionPosté le 13/10/2008 à 13:36:11Akai AM-U310
Super fidel jusqu'a ce matin, mon amplis merdouille et j'ai une sortie (droite) qui ne fonctionne que par moment. Une aide serais sympa pour me dire ce qui se passe. OK ? merci
Ionut Raducan
Nouvel·le AFfilié·e
Membre depuis 2 ans
2Posté le 14/09/2022 à 16:54:53
Hello! Sorry if my english is not good! This amplifier means a lot for me. Before it died out it was connected to PC, I was listening music at a relatively high volume and my PC is setted to enter in standby after no commands is performed and HDD and monitor stopped. In that moment I've heard a big boom sound and no sound in speakers after I've exit in standby. I stopped the amplifier and turned on and the click start sound no longer appeared and no sound in speakers. Also sometimes I had sound only on right channel together with a crackling sound from speakers on left channel. All being said you think that STK / STK's is broken? I want to make this amplifier to work as good as it can be. I'm sort of audiophile person. Kind regards!