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Sujet -=Nova=- Presets liste pour Cubase, voilà le fichier XML.

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Sujet de la discussion -=Nova=- Presets liste pour Cubase, voilà le fichier XML.
Je viens de me taper dans cubase la saisie de tous les noms de presets pour le nova (version desktop)

J'ai fait un export du fichier XML que vous pourrez trouver là:

Suffit d'importer ça dans le manageur des appareils midi et bye bye les numéros de bank et de program change.

T'aurais pas celui du ks-5
J'ai pas de K5 donc non. Sinon tu fais comme-moi, tu te tires les doigts du ... et tu fais profiter tout le monde de ton travail. ;) :lol:
Je voudrais bien,mais comment ça marche ?
Oh ben c'est super simple... suffit de:

Citation : Defining a new device
If your MIDI device is not included in the list of pre-configured devices (and not a "plain" GM or XG device), you need to define it manually to make it possible to select patches by name:

1. In the MIDI Device Manager, click the Install Device button.

The Add MIDI Device dialog appears.

2. Select "Define New..." and click OK.

A name dialog appears.

3. Enter the name of the device and click OK.

The device appears in the Installed Devices list.

4. Select the device in the list.

As you can see, it currently contains only an Empty Bank item.

5. Make sure the Enable Edit checkbox is activated.

Now you can use the functions on the Commands pop-up menu to the left to organize the patch structure of the new device.

A patch structure is made out of the following components:

Banks are the main categories of sounds - typically patches, performances and drums, as described above.

Each bank can contain any number of groups, represented by folders in the list.

The individual patches, performances or drum kits are represented by presets in the list.

The Commands pop-up menu contains the following items:

Create Bank
Creates a new bank at the highest hierarchical level of the Patch Banks list. You can rename this by clicking on it and typing a new name.

New Folder
Creates a new subfolder in the selected bank or folder. This could correspond to a group of patches in the MIDI device, or just be a way for you to categorize sounds, etc. When you select this item, a name dialog will appear, allowing you to name the folder. You can also rename the folder afterwards by clicking it and typing in the list.

New Preset
This adds a new preset in the selected bank or folder.

You can rename the preset by clicking it and typing a new name.

When the preset is selected, its corresponding MIDI events (Program Change, Bank Select, etc.) are shown in the event display to the right. The default setting for a new preset is Program Change 0 - to change this, use the following procedures:

For details on which MIDI events are used for selecting patches in the MIDI device, consult its documentation.

To change which Program Change value should be sent out to select the patch, adjust the number in the Value column for the Program Change event.

To add another MIDI event (e.g. Bank Select) click immediately below the last event in the list and select a new event from the pop-up menu that appears.

After adding a new event, you need to set its value in the Value column, as with Program Change.

To replace an event, click on it and select another event from the pop-up menu.

For example, a MIDI device may require that a Bank Select message is sent first, followed by a Program Change message, in which case you would need to replace the default Program Change message with a Bank Select message and add a new Program Change after that.

To remove an event, select it and press [Delete] or [Backspace].

Different devices use different schemes for Bank Select. When you insert a Bank Select event, you should check the device's documentation to find whether to choose "CC: BankSelect MSB", "Bank Select 14 Bit", "Bank Select 14 Bit MSB-LSB Swapped" or possibly some other option.

Add Multiple Presets
This opens a dialog, allowing you to set up a range of presets to be added in the selected bank or folder.

Proceed as follows:

1. Add the event types required for selecting a patch in the MIDI device.

This is done just as when editing the settings for a single event: clicking in the event display brings up a pop-up menu from which you can select an event type.

2. Use the Range column to set up either a fixed value or a range of values for each event type in the list.

This requires some explanation:
If you specify a single value in the Range column (e.g. 3, 15 or 127), all added presets will have an event of this type set to the same value.
If you instead specify a value range (a start value and an end value, separated by a dash, e.g. 0-63), the first added preset will have an event set to the start value, the next value will be incrementally raised by one and so on, up to and including the end value.

The number of added presets depends on the Range setting.

3. Specify a Default Name below the event display.

The added events will get this name, followed by a number. You can rename presets manually in the Patch Banks list later.

4. Click OK.

A number of new presets are now added in the selected bank or folder, according to your settings.

Other editing functions
You can move presets between banks and folders by dragging them in the Patch Banks list.

You can remove a bank, folder or preset by selecting it in the Patch Banks list and pressing [Backspace].

If you specify more than one bank, a Bank Assignment button will appear to the right above the event display. Use this to assign banks to the different MIDI channels (see About Patch Banks).

Ben alors, tu te décourage ? :lol:
Un petit :up: pour barna et le ksRack

le lien est dead , peux tu me le renvoyer stp
