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Will Zégal
Will Zégal
Membre depuis 22 ans
2Posté le 02/05/2023 à 17:22:19
Citation :
Copy Protection
This software uses the latest PACE copy protection, which allows you to place your activation on your machine or on an iLok 2* (or newer; not included). You will need a free iLok.com account to use our software, even for the the demos – but you do not necessarily need the iLok 2 dongle, if your machine has internet access (activation of a system without internet connectivity requires an iLok 2 device). All required software is installed along with our plugins, but we generally recommend downloading the latest versions directly from iLok.com.
Et sauf erreur de ma part, la licence de Zynaptic ne donne qu'une seule autorisation (une seule machine ou une seule clef). Tous les autres éditeurs que je connais en permettent au moins deux.