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Focusrite  D3
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Publié le 28/03/09 à 22:46
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Focusrite D3 compressor was quick to install without any problems or compatibility issues. It was as simple as installing any other plug-in, and I haven't had a single problem with it since it was installed. The interface of the plug-in is pretty easy to follow, as there are knobs for ratio, threshold, attack, release, input level, output level, and a limiting threshold knob. It also has a button for auto attack and has two meters - one for gain reduction and one for overall output level. I don't have a manual for this, so I don't know how helpful it is. However, if you have ever used a basic compressor before, you should have no issues using the Focusrite D3.


I am currently running the Focusrite D3 compressor on a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. I run the plug-in in Pro Tools LE 7.4 that runs off of a Digi 002R audio interface. I have also run the Focusrite D3 compressor on a Pro Tools HD system, and I have never had any issues running multiples of this plug-in at once on either of the set ups. I have run up to five of these at once without any problems, but beyond this I can't say how it will run because I haven't tried. This really has more to do with your machine and configuration than the actual plug-in software itself.


I've had the Focusrite D3 compressor plug-in for about three years and I am very glad to have it in my arsenal of dynamic processors, as it comes in handy very often. It gives me a compressor that is very easy to use and has a clean sound useful for all types of instruments and applications. While there are some plug-in compressors out there that I prefer to this, like the URS 1970 Classic Compressor or Digidesign's Smack, this gives me a new look and tends to work great sometimes when those other compressors don't fit the bill. The price of the Focusrite D3 compressor plug-in is very reasonable, especially if you buy it in tandem with the Focusrite D2 EQ, as this plug-in pack is a great deal. Overall, highly recommended to both professionals and amateurs alike.