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Sonic Potions LXR
Sonic Potions LXR

Boîte à rythmes de la marque Sonic Potions

Prix public : 280 € TTC

CC et Beatstep Pro

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 547 vues
Sujet de la discussion CC et Beatstep Pro
Bonjour à tous, j'aimerai savoir si des personnes utilisais leur Beatstep Pro pour modifier les paramètres de la LXR avec le control mode, un peu à la manière de la 60 knobs.

Je travail avec la version 0.37 de Brendan Clark, après avoir farfouillé sur des forums je n'ai pas trouvé de réponse concluante.

Tout est pourtant bien paramétré : Les voice des piste réglés, le Midi control center de la Beatstep bien configuré avec les bon canaux Midi, mais cela persiste à ne pas fonctionner. Aucun changement ne s'effectue sur la LXR.

Donc si quelqu'un à le savoir, qu'il le partage :bravo:

Merci d'avance

LXR by Julian Schmidt (

The LXR can be assigned a global channel as well as 7 'track' channels for the parts: drum 1-3, snare, cymbal, hi-hat closed, and hi-hat open. Previously, all MIDI commands had to be sent on the global channel. The updated firmware (in this 'LXR' folder) assigns MIDI commands on a per-track basis. To send a MIDI CC command to a voice, first ensure that you are sending on the MIDI channel that the voice is set to. Then, consult the table below to determine the MIDI CC parameter number you should use.

Where possible, these parameter numbers are in keeping with the General MIDI Specifications provided by the MIDI Manufacturer's Association here:

For parameters that do not have CC numbers recommended by the MMA, parameters have been grouped together as much as possible.

If more than one voice is assigned to the same MIDI channel, these voices will all respond to an incoming message. In the case of the hi-hat tracks, voice parameters will be updated for messages arriving on either channel, with the exception of the envelope decay, which has been assigned a different CC value so that HH open and closed can be assigned the same channel, if desired, without interference.

For parameters that are 'on/off', have menu select items, or have less than 127 values, literal CC values are used, without scaling. For example, to turn 'Velocity > Vol' on or off, a 1 or 0 should be sent. The exception to this is the Global Morph MIDI CC, which has been scaled up to range from 0 to 254 in increments of 2.

Bank Change 000 (kit-change on global or instrument-change on part channels)

(global) Morph 001 (Mod Wheel)
(global) Sample Rate 012

Oscillator Coarse 014
Oscillator Fine 046
Oscillator Wave 009
(snare) Noise Freq 021
(snare) Noise Mix 020

Env Attack 073
Env Decay 075
(hh open) Decay 072
Env Slope 074
(snare/cym) Repeat 070

(drum/snare) Mod Decay 084
(drum/snare) Mod Slope 086
(drum/snare) Mod Amount 085
Velocity Dest 025
Velocity Amount 024
Velocity > Vol 023

(drum)FM Waveform 102
(drum)FM Amount 104
(drum)FM Freq 103
(drum)FM/Mix Select 022

(cym/hat)FM1 Waveform 105
(cym/hat)FM1 Amount 106
(cym/hat)FM1 Freq 107
(cym/hat)FM2 Waveform 108
(cym/hat)FM2 Amount 109
(cym/hat)FM2 Freq 110

Transient Vol 026
Transient Wave 027
Transient Freq 028

Filter Freq 016
Filter Resonance 017
Filter Drive 018
Filter Type 019

LFO Rate 076
LFO Amount 077
LFO Offset 078
LFO Wave 079
LFO Voice Dest 080
LFO Param Dest 081
LFO Retrig 082
LFO Sync 083

Volume 007
Pan 010
Sample Rate 012
Voice Drive 013
Audio Output 089
MIDI Note 090
Mute 120

Global MIDI Channel Only
Mute Drum 1 113
Mute Drum 2 114
Mute Drum 3 115
Mute Snare 116
Mute Cymbal 117
Mute Hi-Hat Closed 118
Mute Hi-Hat Open 119
Mute All 120
Reset all voices to presets 121 (any value)

**Under Test**
Global MIDI Channel Only
Drum 1 Decimation 013
Drum 2 Decimation 014
Drum 3 Decimation 015
Snare Decimation 016
Cymbal Decimation 017
HiHat Decimation 018

Drum 1 Volume 019
Drum 2 Volume 020
Drum 3 Volume 021
Snare Volume 022
Cymbal Volume 023
HiHat Volume 024

Drum 1 Morph 025
Drum 2 Morph 026
Drum 3 Morph 027
Snare Morph 028
Cymbal Morph 029
HiHat Morph 030

Pattern Change (alt to PC) 102