Acheter neuf Fender Player Jazz Bass Fretless
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Annonces Player Jazz Bass Fretless
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Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Fender
- Modèle : Player Jazz Bass Fretless
- Série : Player
- Catégorie : Basses électriques fretless
- Poids du colis : 5.8 kg
- Fiche créée le : 19/06/2018
With its dual single-coil pickups and smooth playing feel, the Player Jazz Bass Fretless is an inspiring instrument with classic, elevated style and authentic Fender bass tone. It’s powerful, rumbling sound is punchy and tight; a growling voice that’s matched with fast, smooth playing feel for a shot of creative inspiration. Ready for action in the studio, or on the stage, the Player Jazz Bass Fretless can take anything you can think of—and everything you haven’t yet.
- Alder body with gloss finish
- Two Player Series single-coil Jazz Bass pickups
- Two volume controls, master tone control
- “Modern C"-shaped neck profile
- 9.5"-radius fingerboard
Distribué par fenderfrance
Autres catégories dans Basses électriques
Autres dénominations : playerjazzbassfretless, playerjazzfl