[ Dernière édition du message le 06/05/2017 à 16:14:11 ]
Nouvel·le AFfilié·e
Membre depuis 10 ans
7Posté le 06/05/2017 à 18:24:20
En tous cas il communique chez Diginoiz, ci-dessous le mail reçu sans aucune demande de ma part, j'imagine que vous l'avez reçu aussi.
I would like to inform you that we encountered some server problems cause of very big traffic that we didn’t expect. At the moment we are moving all files to another server that has no limits. I will send you a new link as soon as all products will be there, unfortunately it can take some time. Also Your old links should work in the next 24 hours.
We are also working for something special and exclusive to reward you for the problems.
Ils communiquent oui ! Ils réparent les liens en un temps record et ils m'ont même adjoint un geste commercial pour le désagrément
Citation de Diginoiz
Hello again!
Finally everything is working now! I just resent you new download links just few minutes ago. Thank you for your patience! To reward you for all the problems, you will receive for free our new, upcoming products that will be released till the end of May (I will send it to you till 10 of June). Also in the next few days you will receive link to one exclusive, new product and one that was available only in Japan, so I’m sure that you don’t know this one!
Once again I’m sorry for problems and hope you will create great tracks using our products!
Les liens de téléchargements sont valables combien de temps ??
Car vue la quantité à télécharger, ça risque d'être compliqué, surtout si en plus il y des problèmes de serveurs ...