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Mixvibes DVS Ultimate
Mixvibes DVS Ultimate

Interface audio DJ de la marque Mixvibes

Prix public : 189 € HT

Probleme son

  • 5 réponses
  • 4 participants
  • 994 vues
Sujet de la discussion Probleme son

quand je mixe pendant deux heures, le son grésille...

que dois-je faire ???

ma configuration :

Config 2008/07/19 16:01

OS=Microsoft VISTA Service Pack 1 build=6001 processor=PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 72 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD
MixVibes DVS version=6.411 DLL langage=FR version=6.290

System Setting
Load memory time limit=13 Load time=normal
Low gui priority=Yes Equalization bypass=No

General Setting
Nb Mixer Channels=2 Nb Samples=0
Windows Moveable=No
TAG V1=No TAG V2=Yes

Mix Setting
AutoCue=No AutoGain=Yes AutoBpm at Load=Yes
Display Pitch=Yes Auto Match at load=No
Bpm Range min=78 max=150
Loop in bar boundaries=No Security=No History=Yes
Compressor=No Limiter=No

Sound Configuration
Nb Sound=2 Nb Mixer=0
Managment Type ASIO
Device=EDIROL FA-66 AsioVersion=0 DriverVersion=553
Latency=8 Driver sampling=44100 Nb Input=6 Nb Output=6
Managment Type ASIO
1-LineOut 1&2 left 2-LineOut 1&2 right
3-LineOut 3&4 left 4-LineOut 3&4 right

Vinyl Configuration
Vinyl1 connected=vinyl version 2
Audio=ASIO source=0:MicIn1 left-MicIn1 right
Riaa=No Preamp Left=49 db Preamp Right=48 db Noise Filter=0
45T=No InverseLR=No PhaseInv=No
Offset=0 ms
Noise Level=-40.000 db

Config Bypass Riaa=No Preamp=0 db Noise Filter=0 Hz Input Latency=0 ms

Vinyl Stats (turntable pitch set to 0 play at normal way)
Time code percent=0.500 Volume max left=0.000 Volume max right=0.000 Volume optimum=0.370
Speed Average(100ms)=0.000 Speed Average(1s)=0.000 Speed Average(3s)=0.000

Vinyl2 connected=vinyl version 2
Audio=ASIO source=2:LineIn 3&4 left-LineIn 3&4 right
Riaa=No Preamp Left=53 db Preamp Right=51 db Noise Filter=0
45T=No InverseLR=No PhaseInv=No
Offset=0 ms
Noise Level=-40.000 db

Config Bypass Riaa=No Preamp=0 db Noise Filter=0 Hz Input Latency=0 ms

Vinyl Stats (turntable pitch set to 0 play at normal way)
Time code percent=0.500 Volume max left=0.375 Volume max right=0.375 Volume optimum=0.370
Speed Average(100ms)=0.000 Speed Average(1s)=0.000 Speed Average(3s)=0.000

merci a+ :???:
Salut, essaye d'augmenter ta latence jusqu'à 12 ou 13 ms en réduisant les samples dans ta carte son. Coupe tout quand tu joues (anti virus, internet, msn, ... tout quoi). Rajoute de la mémoire vive et si tu joues avec un pc portable pense à bien le refroidir surtout le disque dur. Tiens moi au courant !!! Zin.
Euh avec une fa66 pas besoin 12/13 ms en latence...8 c'est pas mal...déjà mets à jour ton soft, 6.29 ça date un peu, y'a la version 7 regarde si ton driver du chipset firewire est à jour..
mais pour l instant je veux pas changer de version
a+ :bravo:
Salut, moi avec la fa66 , suis à 3 ms de latence.
EDIROL FA-66 Driver ver 1.0.2 : Buffer au minimum ,WDM smaller et ASIO smaller et ça va super.
La version7 RC3 est pas mal pourtant avec sampleur et rack d'effets

Config 2008/08/04 18:35

OS=Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 build=2600 processor=PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel
MixVibes DVS version=7.040 DLL langage=FR version=7.030

System Setting
Load in Ram Channel1= Yes Channel2= Yes
Load memory time limit=40 Load time=normal
Low gui priority=No Equalization bypass=No

General Setting
Nb Mixer Channels=2 Nb Samples=16
Windows Caption=No Theme=3
TAG V1=Yes TAG V2=No

Mix Setting
AutoCue=No AutoGain=Yes AutoBpm at Load=Yes
Display Pitch=Yes Auto Match at load=No
Bpm Range min=78 max=150
Loop in bar boundaries=No Security=No History=Yes
Compressor=No Limiter=No

Sound Configuration
Nb Sound=2 Nb Mixer=0
Managment Type ASIO
Device=EDIROL FA-66 AsioVersion=0 DriverVersion=275
Latency=3 Driver sampling=44100 Nb Input=6 Nb Output=6
Managment Type ASIO
1-LineOut 1&2 left 2-LineOut 1&2 right
3-LineOut 3&4 left 4-LineOut 3&4 right

Vinyl Configuration
Vinyl1 connected=vinyl version 2
Audio=ASIO source=0:MicIn1 left-MicIn1 right
Mode=relative time
Riaa=No Preamp Left=13 db Preamp Right=13 db Noise Filter=0 Hz
45T=No InverseLR=No PhaseInv=No
Decalage=0 ms Time limit=720000 ms
Silence seuil=-40.000 db SNR=40 db

Config Bypass Riaa=No Preamp=0 db Noise Filter=0 Hz Input Latency=0 ms

Vinyl Stats (turntable pitch set to 0 play at normal way)
Time code percent=0.500 Volume max left=0.000 Volume max right=0.000 Volume optimum=0.370
Speed Average(100ms)=0.000 Speed Average(1s)=0.000 Speed Average(3s)=0.000

Vinyl2 connected=vinyl version 2
Audio=ASIO source=2:LineIn 3&4 left-LineIn 3&4 right
Mode=relative time
Riaa=No Preamp Left=39 db Preamp Right=37 db Noise Filter=0 Hz
45T=No InverseLR=No PhaseInv=No
Decalage=0 ms Time limit=720000 ms
Silence seuil=-40.000 db SNR=40 db

Config Bypass Riaa=No Preamp=0 db Noise Filter=0 Hz Input Latency=0 ms

Vinyl Stats (turntable pitch set to 0 play at normal way)
Time code percent=0.500 Volume max left=0.000 Volume max right=0.000 Volume optimum=0.370
Speed Average(100ms)=0.000 Speed Average(1s)=0.000 Speed Average(3s)=0.000
Kool merci

je vais aller tester ca

a+ :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: