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Seasound Soloist
Seasound Soloist

Level Meters

  • 1 réponse
  • 1 participant
  • 463 vues
  • 1 follower
Sujet de la discussion Level Meters
Bon, j'y crois pas trop mais au cas où, est-ce-que j'aurai oublié quelquechose pour que les level meters marchent sur la Soloist ? Les leds s'allument au démarrage du PC, mais j'ai beau tout foutre à DOnf', le trim, level, input, le switch sur input, etc etc, mais rien ne s'allume...

pifuuu :|

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O putain :8O: ça vient des drivers XP, j'ai trouvé ça sur un forum US :

Citation : I used to run my Soloist on Win98SE with the original drivers and my level meters worked fine. Now I'm running WinXP with the WDM 5.10.3503 drivers and the level meters don't work at all. The only time they actually light up is when I boot up the computer.
I have tried using mics (adjusting trim), guitars, playing mp3's and don't get anything on the level meters, but it records just fine with Sonar. Is this a known issue with these drivers and the Soloist??

I have only seen one other person on this forum complain of this but he has a Soloist running on Win98 using the original drivers.

The only thing I can think of is using a dual boot system with Win98SE for recording and WinXP for everything else. But that seems kind of drastic.

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