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Zildjian K HiHat Pair 13"

Zildjian K HiHat Pair 13"

Charley de la marque Zildjian appartenant à la série K Zildjian

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Annonces K HiHat Pair 13"

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Zildjian K HiHat Pair 13"Publié le 01/04/08 à 17:28
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
These are really nice hi hats- especially for the price. I've owned a pair of thirteen inch Zildjian K's for about four years now and really enjoy playing them.

These hi hats have a very versitile sound- suitable for most all pop music situations, some jazz and some heavier situations. They have a stick attach that has a nice chick to it without being too bright that fits nicely into a lot of funk playing, although they aren't as tight sounding as some funk and R&B situations call for.

The open sound of the cymbals is very middle of the road and a nice balanced sound- not too bright, not too dark. These fit very nicely into louder, less acoustic jazz situations as they have a warmth that blends well with ensembles and other cymbals. That same sound however is not quite sensitive and warm enough to fit optimumly in a completely acoustic jazz situation- they are a little heavy and leave a bit to be desired in the sensitivity area when played with the foot. These cymbals sound best when played in a moderate dynamic setting. The stick sound isn't quite bright enough to cut through very loud rock bands and the open sound is a little too dark. Like I said before, these cymbals fit into a lot of situations well, but aren't IDEAL for many situations except for louder jazz situations and some funk and R&B settings.

Always listen to your cymbals before you buy them however. Even though these cymbals are mass produced they don't always sound identical, cymbal to cymbal (even the same size and line). I tried two other pairs of thirteen inch K Zildjians before settling on these. One pair, when played open to half open had a very 'gong-y' sound to them, and the other had a brighter stick sound.

Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Zildjian
  • Modèle : K HiHat Pair 13"
  • Série : K Zildjian
  • Catégorie : Charleys
  • Poids du colis : 1.9 kg
  • Fiche créée le : 06/04/2004

Nous n'avons pas de fiche technique sur ce produit
mais votre aide est la bienvenue

Distribué par Algam / La boîte noire du Musicien


Autres catégories dans Cymbales

Autres dénominations : k hi hat pair 13, k hihatpair 13, k hihat pair 13, khihatpair13, k hihat pair13