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M-Audio Keystation 49e
M-Audio Keystation 49e

Clavier maître MIDI 49 touches de la marque M-Audio appartenant à la série Keystation

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Publié le 09/02/09 à 01:57
Rapport qualité/prix : Correct
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
When I bought the M-Audio Keystation 49e I was looking for a simple MIDI controller that I could hook up to my computer to control various virtual instruments. It connects to your computer USB and both pitch and modulation wheels. It has an output for sustain as well.


The action of the 49e is pretty clean. While I am not a keyboard player by trade, it feels good to play and is easy to control overall. I like the configuration of this controller because it is easy and to the point. It works exactly what I use it for and works without problem. I am running this on a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. I run it both in Logic and with stand alone plugins like Native Instruments Elektrik Piano & B4. I don't have a manual so I don't know how thorough it is, but if you can install it without any issues, it should be pretty smooth sailing.


I've had the Keystation 49e for about three years and it has done everything I bought it for. I am able to control virtual instruments at ease, providing me with a MIDI work station with vase capabilities. I also have an M-Audio Oxygen 8 and while that has more parameters, I prefer having the extra keys on the 49e and the parameters on the Oxygen 8 really just makes things from confusing in my opinion. The price of the 49e is one of the best parts, as just about anyone can have a great sounding MIDI keyboard rig with this a few virtual instruments at a very reasonable price. I'm extremely happy with this product and recommend it as a cheap solution for those looking to explore MIDI on their computer.