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< Tous les avis Guyatone PS-103 Driving Compressor
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Guyatone PS-103 Driving Compressor
Guyatone PS-103 Driving Compressor

Compresseur / sustainer Guitare de la marque Guyatone appartenant à la série Box

mooseherman mooseherman

« Reasonably affordable, quality compression box »

Publié le 10/05/10 à 22:01
Cible : Les utilisateurs avertis
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is a pretty basic compressor. It actually functions well as a limiter, though there is some flattening of dynamics on the lower end. It is an analog compressor. There are the simple 1/4" input and output and an adapter for a power supply, though my used version did not have a power supply, so I had to daisy chain it from my boss tuner. It cannot be edited with Computers, is not MIDI-capable, and isn't rackable.


I think that the effects editing couldn't be much easier, if it is a bit limited (no pun intended!). The setup is pretty simple. There are two knobs, one for output and one for threshold. The output controls the overall volume, and threshold sets the limit for where the effects starts to compress. This can make the pedal function as a limiter as well as be a great sustainer. There isn't much really in terms of variety though, as there are only the two knobs.


I've played compressors that I've liked a bit more. However, they were way more than I paid for this one. I think that if you need a compressor in a pinch, this thing is solid. It's a pretty good compressor if you need it for leads, just don't expect to get much extra volume out of it as it's noisy at higher volumes. Even when you match the natural volume you get a bit too much noise for my liking. I won't be gigging with this unless another compressor I have breaks.


I liked the price of this pedal the best, honestly. It was also easy to adjust on the fly with only the two knobs. However, the sound quality wasn't my favorite. It was neither the worst or the best I'd ever heard. I would say that even though for the price I paid it was ok, I can't really recommend it, just because there are so many better ones floating around out there. Most likely you can find a better one for a similar price.