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Hercules DJ Console Mk2
Hercules DJ Console Mk2

MAJ console

  • 38 réponses
  • 4 participants
  • 6 113 vues
Sujet de la discussion MAJ console
Bonjour à tous, nous avions acheté il y a quelques temps en 2006 je crois le pack console Hercules MK2 avec Virtual DJ 3. Depuis, nous n'avons fait aucune MAJ ni du logiciel ni de la console.
Aujourd'hui quelles sont les évolutions des 2 ?


les deux ont pas mal évolué. Notamment au niveau de la partie contrôleur.

Je suppose que c'est dans le but de réinvestir ?
Quel est votre (vous semblez être plusieurs) budget ?

Chris Kazvon


Introduction à Hornresp et Tutoriels  -  Tutoriels Vidéo pour Room EQ Wizard

Merci, non pas réinvestir mais faire d'éventuelles MAJ du Virtual, actuellement version 3, celle livré avec la console. Ou en est on avec Virtual ? Cela vaut il le coup de faire une MAJ ? Qu'est ce qu'il y a de plus ?
A mon sens ça va pas t'apporter grand chose de faire une MAJ, et puis VDJ est franchement pas donné...
J'ai eu aussi ce contrôleur, ça fonctionnait pas mal avec VDJ, si tu veux passer à un soft plus "complet" (par rapport à VDJ 3) et abordable, Traktor est un bon rapport Q/P.

Mais vu l'investissement et l'obsolescence de la hercules mk2, autant réinvestir directement dans un contrôleur plus actuel

Chris Kazvon


Introduction à Hornresp et Tutoriels  -  Tutoriels Vidéo pour Room EQ Wizard

Depuis la version 3, pas mal de choses. Ils y sont à la version 7.4 et la V8 en pré-release.

Tu peux t'inscrire sur le forum de VDJ en enregistrant ta version console pour voir si une mise à jour est disponible pour toi.

Après si tu adhères à VDJ, tu as une réduction du à ta licence de version LE.
Merci pour les précisions. A part des skins nouveau et des samples ou effets rien de nouveaux dans VDJ donc.
Est ce que la mk2 marche avec Traktor ?
Citation de aslmusic :
A part des skins nouveau et des samples ou effets rien de nouveaux dans VDJ donc.

Entre la V3 et la V7, faut pas abuser non plus !

Citation de aslmusic :

Est ce que la mk2 marche avec Traktor ?

Oui, mapping à télécahrger sur le site de Hercule.
Quoi de neuf entre la version 3 et la 7 ?
J'ai pas tout mis :D:

VirtualDJ 4.0 (24 August 2006)

New features:
brand new audio engine
new professional default skin
greater pitch slider fluidity
improved scratching sound
turntable pitch and software pitch are better integrated
video transitions can now be "activated". Some transitions will automatically crossfade when activated, while newer ones will put themselves in "smart mode", where the crossfader moves automatically to match what you're doing on the turntables. (see "default" transition)
new synchronisation engine. Sync is now smoother, and samples are correctly beatlocked even on TCV
browser icons can now be changed in skin
plugin can display strings on the default interface (with declare_parameter)
new plugin SDK for easier interfaces
plugin stability improved (including VST)
new plugins: VideoEffect/Text, SoundEffect/KeyChanger
compatible with SSL crates (added only if fresh install)
sound Plugins can now apply on: Song (as before), Mixer Line (like old scratch), or Master. (cf SDK)
import of iTunes playlists on fresh install
import of all SSL crates on fresh install
compatibility with MSN's "what I'm listening to"
songs with a BPM more than +/-10 from the actual bpm have a special icon in the browser (range can be change in registry "SimilarBpmRange")
new video transition mode: click on the video preview to go from one deck to another (right click for temporary, double click for instantaneous). click on the transition button goes in smart mode
latency can be set from config menu
new option in TCV/TCCD: browser track (work without needing a new TCV)
new skin possibilities (visual type="rotate", etc, check basic skin)
compatibility with Numark iCDX units
individual mastertempo on each deck (key lock)
new "performance" optimization page in options
new soundsetup page
soundsetup automatically detects u46dj, maya, djconsole or dxm01usb cards with fast setup
new video fx plugins: SlideShow, Camera, Sonique
broadcast of titles fixed (can be disabled with "BroadcastShowTitles" in registry)
clone_deck copies gain
midi relative sliders
database scan no longer enter sensitive folders like "local settings" or "application data"
compatible with 48Khz soundcards (ASIO and KS)
new option: "autoheadphones"
new performance option: "overclock"
warning message if skin resolution unsupported
new video option: load plugin when no video available
smart loop
advanced master tempo

New actions:
new consistent effect/sample/video action names (old deprecated names still compatible for old skins, but no longer displayed)
delete_cue, play_stutter, pause_stop, select_loop, etc. (check full list in shortcuts)

Bug fixes:
loading a song or jumping further into a song while it is loading will no longer cause skipping in audio output
fast rewind past beginning crash corrected
smartloop bug corrected
plugin shortcut crash corrected
small visuals glitches corrected (cues, sliders, vst, ...)
ripdvd fixed
bug in loading non "44Khz/16bit/stereo" WAV files fixed
network synchronisation and multi-instance synchronisation fixed

VirtualDJ 4.1 (08 October 2006)

New features:
sound engine optimized
new sound modes for 3-line mixer: 6.1 and dual 4.1+2.0
effect engine has been rewritten
shortcuts and skin actions for plugin selection can now take directly the plugin name: "effect_activate flanger"
several video fx plugins can be applied at the same time
controller mappers are now plugins from the new effect engine
bcd2000 is now fully supported natively
new behavior for djconsole hotcue, loop and fx buttons
new registry options: SearchInPath, SearchInFilename, SearchInComment, SearchInTitle, SearchInArtist
new registry option: EqInHeadphones
new option to disable shortcuts
when selecting an effect from drop-down, holding "CTRL" let you select a new without stopping current.
new actions "select_effect_multi" and "video_select_fx_multi" to select without stopping current.
better behavior for novideo plugin
better behavior when same audio plugin applied on both decks
new query: Query("help",char**) return a pointer to a string with the list of all query available in this version.
new queries: angle, status, songstatus
new action: reloop
auto-bpm is now auto-PitchMatch, and doesn't affect "sync", but only the pitch on load (and on sync_nocbg).

VirtualDJ 4.2 (24 December 2006)

New timecode engine:
better scratch tracking
new HD mode for Timecode CDs
absolute mode fixed
accurate backward tracking
enhanced auto-config
adjustable auto-pitch sensitivity
retains pitch value when used in one-timecode mode

New features:
new remote control device added
new video transition: scratch, alpha
virtualfolders automatically remove duplicates
new query for plugins (maineffect*, mainsample*)
new action: timecode_mode

Bug fixes:
virtualfolders rename/delete/etc refresh fixed
crackles in dual soundcard mode fixed
crash with very long ID3 comment in skin fixed
vdj latency adapts to nearest available latency on weird ASIO sound cards

VirtualDJ 4.3 (28 March 2007)

New features:
first MAC release
Numark TotalControl support
tag read for bpm
clear database

Bug fixes:
end of timecode bug fixed, stops track
long files crash bug fixed
DJConsole mk2 now works under Vista
various dmc-2 fixes
automix bug partly fixed (works better now)

VirtualDJ 5.0 (19 August 2007)

New browser:
(The covers are stored in the song's folder, as hidden, nammed "songfilename.mp3.jpg", so it's easy to edit or add some yourself)
Covers are downloaded asynchronously
Complete ID3 compatibility
New columns (right click on a column to see the list)
New File Info window to deal with all tags things.
New "in-place" search engine : the search database now fills itself automatically when you browse songs (every songs that vdj sees is automatically added to the search database, no need to "scan HD" anymore)
New search options
The search is now integrated into each folder (no "local database" folder anymore). The search result will display the results from that folder in the upper part, and the result from the rest of the database in the lower part
New filter folders
Audio/Video/Karaoke filter
Automatic search database scan
seamless iTunes and Serato integration
By genre browser
Better playlist managment
Database copies are saved on each harddrives and merged on-the-fly when a new harddrive is connected (also virtual folders are added/removed when harddrives are connected/disconnected, and same for the results in the search, that only shows songs on connected harddrives)

New Automix:
"one-deck" automix
smoother transitions in smart mode
new transition modes

New features:
new Timecode engine (based on plugins. See the new SDK)
new config option: SaveUnplayed
database file is now named "virtualdj database v5.xml"
can scratch small samples
new timecode option: "ClearSound"
new entries in the registry
- HistoryTimer: gives the number of second a song needs to be played before beeing marked (unlike vdj 4.3, the songs need to be actually played, not just loaded)
- TracklistCutHour: Inside the History folder you have all the tracklisting sorted by day. But since parties usually span before and after midnight, by default vdj will store songs played until 9am in the previous day's playlist.
- IgnoreDrives
- ZeroDB : By default it's 8231 (makes 0db on soundcard)
new query: BrowsedFolder, BrowsedTitle, etc
new video plugins: Titler & Clipbank
new actions: recurse_folder

Small improvements:
VISTA compliant
(all skin/plugins now go in the "My Documents/VirtualDJ" folder)
new MIDI interface
sidelist gets some new shortcuts
better cue and loop accuracy in TCCD mode
Icons and buttons can be customized in skins (look for CustomIcons and CustomButtons in the provided default skin)
sort and recurse are now modal
Tracklist playlists are in the Tracklisting folder instead of Playlist

Bugs fixes:
fixed bugs in sort
RipDVD & Ripvinyl bug corrected

VirtualDJ 5.0.7 (03 February 2008)

New features:
added +-100% pitchrange in options, action "pitch_range", item "%pitchrange" in skin textzones
new ASIO engine (default engine is when "ASIO UltraLatency" is checked, new engine is unchecked and is safer)
new button to log searches, so you can download after the party the requests you couldn't find
new auto-gain options (auto+remember, remember, auto, disabled)
can drag a video file on the video preview window to link with audio-only files
option in video config to disable link on drop
actions "Video_Link", "Video_Unlink", browser column "LinkedVideo", search option "LinkedVideo", filter items "LinkedVideo", "HasLinkedVideo".
can now unlink video by drag&droping the original file (in addition to context menu option still present)
added "%linkedvideo" in skin textzones
skin slider "round" are automatically rotated if doesn't have . in this case, optional param "minangle", "maxangle" can specify the rotation angles at 0 and 4096 in degree.
new skin object , new actions "multibutton", "multibutton_select"
clipbank plugin can be cloned (clipbank2.dll, etc)
new karaoke plugin
compatible with new Hercules DJConsoles (mobile, Rmx)

VirtualDJ 5.2 (28 July 2008)

External Devices:
Hercules RMX (improved)
Denon HS5500
Denon S1200
Denon HD2500
Denon HC4500 (improved)
Audiophony Mix
Audiophony Play

New commands:

New queries [plugin USE ONLY]:
"KeyModifier" (float*)
"Key" (char*)
"MasterTempo" (int*)
"VinylMode" (int*)
"BrowsedBpmV" (float*)
"BrowsedKey" (char*)

Bug fixes:
Timecode: Silence & Stereo sliders are now correctly refreshed with Auto-Config
fixed crashes in Timecode Config with RMX (Mac)
"Asio" error message corrected (MAC)
crash with audio record in mp3 (MAC)
fields in the broadcast interface (MAC)
tracklisting.txt file not listed anymore under History (MAC)
the BPM tag is now correctly displayed on the File Info window (MAC)
First fix with the VV box warning when you close VirtualDJ (MAC)
Vista UAC crash (PC)
crash with search should be fixed now (PC)
crash with "No Timecode signal found" window fixed (PC)
crash with video recording when video module was disable (PC)
fixed crash with multi plugins (PC & MAC)

VirtualDJ 6.0 (31 May 2009)

Read more about this version HERE

New features:
New powerful script language called "VDJscript" (for skins, keyboard shortcuts, controllers' mappings,...)
(see documentation: )

New controller support (with better integration of MIDI and HID controllers)
(see documentation: )

New Timecode Engine (better accuracy and responsiveness to timecodes)
New Internet features: NetSearch & MusicGroups
New skin engine (skins can now be resized in real-time)
New sampler (with half/double loops on the fly, and automatic jingle or loop mode depending if the rec_out point is almost a loop)
Full Unicode compatibility (can display Japanese/Russian/... characters without problems)

Timecode detection is now adapted to the signal in real-time
New timecode mode "relative 2000Hz"
New option 'noise LP filter'

Skin changes:
New VirtualDJ6 skin (using the new script engine)
Skins without a "version=6.0" in the header will continue to use the old syntax
New skin element: <onload action=""/>
New skin element: <scratchwave>
New skin option: <tooltip>blabla</tooltip> inside <button> and <slider> elements on skins xml

Improved video engine (more video codecs are now being played by the internal video decoder)
New v6 database using UTF-8 (for Unicode compatibility)
Bigger settings window with new options
New tooltips in settings window
Can change the language on the fly (in the skin window)
Can now pick an action directly from a button in the skin, when you are in the mapper window.
Progressive pitchbend (limited to +/- 25%)
14-bit MIDI support
New video options "keep_ratio (crop)" and "keep_ratio (full)"
New video transition: "grid"
Read tags from .mov and .mp4
Reduced range of equalizers (to prevent saturation when put to max)
Gain knob now goes up only to +7.5dB (new action "power_gain" can goes up to +30dB like v5 gain).
BPM analysis now sets up bitrate
Registry entry: iTunesFolder
Added new decoder for codec: "General Internal Audio". Should be used instead of quicktime for .m4a
New columns in browser: "Bmp Diff" and "Key Diff", usefull to sort by more compatible to less compatible songs.
New filter-folder options: "insearchdb", "ispresent", "bpmdiff", "keydiff"
autocrossfade-length setting used in automix if not tempo or cut
Got rid of the infamous smiley face
New sound effect 'echo'

New actions:
'get' + ...
'fader_start' (starts the song when crossfader or volume fader is moved)
'gain_slider', 'volume_slider', 'crossfader_slider'
'slider_relative', 'gain_relative', ...
'param_invert', 'param_add', 'param_multiply'
'set_bpm': "set_bpm 123.4" or "set_bpm 200%"
'loop_double', 'loop_half'
Check the action list in the mapper window (or look in english.xml in Languages/) for more.

Bug fixes:
fixed m4a with foreign characters
fixed serato crates
fixed video jump on directX 11
fixed genre tag on m4a files
fixed freeze on some nvidia cards (needs to put nVidiaFreezeBug to 1 in the registry).
fixed automix silence if bad tempo endpoint
fixed droping in virtualfolder from search
fixed auto_crossfade in safe mode

VirtualDJ 7.0 (12 October 2010)

Read more about this version HERE

Multi Deck:
support for up to 99 decks
include skins for 4 and 6 decks
support both true multi-deck logic or mini-decks with left/right zoom logic

audio optimizations on Vista and Win7 (greatly improve the performance of the audio engine)
new Advanced Audio Config panel with line by line configuration (with low-latency optimizations)
Line-in/Mic support with effects, waveform display, beat-matching
Instant record of Line-in or Mic for replay and scratch
Rewire support
new master tempo engine
new PureScratch engine
new built-in resonant filter on each decks

Database Management:
new GenuisDJ algorithm
new FileInfo window with multi-files tag and rename
save to ID3 tags (or mp4 tags) option
new browser fields (composer, rating, custom fields)
support for nested virtual folders
easy drag-n-drop management of virtual/favorite/smart folders
automatically renew and manage Netsearch DRMs before it expires
new zoom mode for temporary fullscreen browser
new integrated audio preview of browsed songs

Video engine:
improved H.264 decoder
new overvideo action for multideck configs
access to more than 2 GB of memory on Vista and Win7 - 64 bit

Record and Broadcast:
Video codec list for video record (on PC)
support for ICECAST2 broadcast
record loopback and mic recording are now set in the Advanced Audio Config

Plug-and-play support for more than 80 controllers
support Hot-plug and unplug of controllers automatically

Skin engine:
<panel visible="VDJScript">
<element os="mac">, <element os="pc">
<text format=""> can use execution (`) operator (<text format="Deck `get leftdeck`">)
skin engine can parse mathematical expressions in the xml: <pos x="42+3*500" ...>
<init action="...">
<rhythmzone> (like <rhythm> but new simpler syntax based on color values instead of images, see the default 4deck skin for examples)
<rhythmzone mirror="true">: put the "zero" line in the center, and draw the line on both side
<rhythmzone upsidedown="true">: draw the curves upsidedown
<rhythmzone upsidedown="opposite">: draw the first (and third etc) curve normal and the second (and fourth etc) upsidedown, with overlap.
<rhythmzone upsidedown="0x0024">: draw the 3rd and 6th curves inverted, and the others normal (the number is an hexadecimal bit-mask for the channel's numbers. For example, upsidedown="0xAAAA" is the equivalent of upsidedown="opposite")
can have multiple <browser> in panels
can use <center x="" y=""> instead of <pos x="" y="">
improved font replacement on Mac

new action "get text" with unix-style execution operator (inverted quote): ` (get text "The filesize is `get filesize`, playing is `play` and volume is `volume`.")
new actions "get loaded_song 'column' ", "get browsed_song 'column' ", "get automix_song 'column' " where column is the name of the browser column (see <columns> in Languages/english.xml for the list)
new/modified actions: "play_sync", "play_onbeat", "play_sync_onbeat", "unload", "file_info"
can use cue names instead of numbers in "got_cue", "set_cue", etc...
many new actions: "pfl", "masterdeck", "prelisten", "prelisten_output", "prelisten_pos", "not_played", "cross_assign", "leftcross", "rightcross", "leftvideo", "rightvideo", "overvideo", "leftvideo_button", "rightvideo_button", "linein", "linein_rec", "mic", "mic_rec", "filter", "fake_xxxx", "booth_volume", "save_deck_set", "load_deck_set", "browsed_file_info", "assign_controller" (see Languages/english.xml for the complete list)
"linein" and "linein_rec" automatically use the timecode bypass if there are no linein inputs in the audio config, but there are timecode inputs.

VirtualDJ 7.3 (11 November 2012)

improved sound engine quality
new automatic Limiter
new optional Parametric Equalizer
improved reactivity on controlers jogwheels
new multi-field search
fixed loop goes mute bug
fixed colorwave on VBR songs
fixed reverting to default skin if selected skin is missing
fixed high CPU usage for colored scratchWave on near-silent parts
fixed crash with Typhoon's ASIO driver
fixed touchwheel_touch can get stuck when changing jog_mode
fixed database entries duplicated for songs with accents when switching between Mac and PC
fixed video_transition on 4 decks
fixed device_side on 4 decks
fixed cloudList icons on skins with custom icons
new config options VolumeFader, Limiter, Param Eq, Output Headroom
new registry hack JogScratchLatency to improve latency of midi/hid jogwheels
action video_delay can do on/off
new action get_limiter

Ca c'est de la réponse.
Sur le site VDJ, je peux passer à la 8 pro unlimited pour 299 $, pas de réduction possible, ma version est trop vieille ou 19$ par mois avec toutes les MAJ mois par mois.

Je vais étudier çà
