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Vestax VCI-300
Vestax VCI-300

Contrôleur DJ USB de la marque Vestax appartenant à la série VCI

Vestax vci 300 posé des question et je vous repond sur ce petit bijou compact

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Sujet de la discussion Vestax vci 300 posé des question et je vous repond sur ce petit bijou compact
Tu la branche entre la sortie VCI et l'entree ampli.

[Toi]===[VCI-300]=====[Boite a effet]=======[Ampli]===[System son]==[Peuple] :8)

DJ / PRODUCER - Hong Kong  / South China

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La boîte aux joyeux effets ne dépendrai pas d'un "send-return" pour une parfaite utilisation :?: la vci 300 n'en possède pas il me semble? me tromperai-je ? :(
Un général ne se rend jamais...même à l'évidence (Jean Cocteau)
Les sends/returns sont utiles quand tu as une table de mixage et que tu veux
rediriger un seul effect ( un effect hardware disons un module multi effect: rev,delay,chorus,ect) vers plusieurs pistes par ex:

Tu as un module d'effect, pour faire simple un chorus
si tu as trois chanteurs qui demandent un chorus
alors que t'as qu'un seul module, tu dois alors le brancher sur ta console puis envoyer le signal de chacune des pistes dans le module ( send )
et ensuite le module renvoye le signal+effect ( return )
vers une piste de la console...
Avé tous le monde..
apres avoir eut serato scratch live , j ai commander la bete pour mes mix a la radio,je vous en dirais plus d ici 7 jours grand max et j aurais mis des videos sur mon il y en a vraiment sur le forum ou l on se demande ce qu ils font ici tellement ils repondent a coté de la plaque (WIPEOUT) leur met 1 KAZIMIR pour eux...un forum c est pour l entraide ou aider a decider des personnes a une future aquisition du matos..
enjoy it.. :lol:
1 question :
a t elle de la peche au niveau sortie son ou faut il l amplifier avec une mixette? :???:
A votre avis un sampler avec effets integres comme le ROLAND SP 404 ou le SP 505 peut il etre un bon produit pour brancher sur le VCI.MERCI.
Comment fait on pour supprimer une "CRATE".
Je galère, je ne peux que moddifier le nom.
Merci d'avance.
Il faut faire Ctrl et delete en meme temps
pour les morceaux aussi
mais dans le setup il faut décocher la case "library protect"
Savez vous quand est prevue la nouvelle mise a jour du logiciel,qu'est ce qu'elle va apporter de nouveau et y aura t'il des effets sur une prochaine mise a jour,merci
Avé tonios
je suis passer en 1.0.4 beta

voila la liste:
New Features and Enhancements:

Library Zoom

The library can now be zoomed to make the library text bigger or smaller. The keyboard shortcuts are:

Ctrl + Zoom In
Ctrl - Zoom Out

Offline Player

ITCH now has an Offline Player similar to Scratch LIVE, to allow you to pre-audition tracks using your computer sound device, or to set cue points or loops without ITCH hardware plugged in. The number and arrangement of cues and loops on the Offline Player will match the last ITCH hardware that was connected.

Improved Relocate Lost Files

You can now click on the 'relocate lost files' button to scan all connected drives on your computer for missing files. This will be slow but it will work for users who have trouble dragging from Finder or Explorer, or if you do not know where your missing files might be found.

Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous changes:

Audio Engine and Performance
- The gain structure and metering have been changed to allow more headroom (for EQ, Trim and mixing tracks) before the output limiter comes into effect.
- Changed the mix curves on the cue/master mix control.
- Reduced idle CPU usage by deactivating unused channel and EQ processes.

Playback and Deck Controls
- Change for files. Previously ITCH had no knowledge of files and this allowed it to easily play the preview version. Unfortunately this was causing ITCH to unmark files in the database it shares with Scratch LIVE which causes further issues. To simplify matters for now, ITCH now knows which tracks are files and will not play these tracks. We will return preview playback to ITCH when we can.
- Next and Previous track buttons now respect the Lock Playing Deck option.
- Instant Double improved (works better with songs with no bpm now).
- A Crossfader Reverse option has been added to the setup screen to allow the crossfader to be used "hamster" style.
- On the VCI-300 you can now turn on both PFL A and PFL B at once by pressing both buttons together.
- Improved the ability to Mix with loops if your track has an accurate bpm. This means that if you have two tracks beatmatched, and then loop one of the tracks, they should stay in syc. This won't beatmatch for you, or make bad loops work, but if your loop is of a sensible length it will stay in sync.
- Quartz now turns off Auto-Tempo.
- Fixed a bug where loop end points were sometimes not copied to the other deck if the same song was loaded. This was causing the same loop to be set differently on each deck.
- Fixed bug where pressing the platter then shift to shuttle, would stop playback if the platter was released before the shift button.
- You can now save autoloops via a button on the GUI. The autoloop is saved into the first unoccupied loop slot, if no empty slot is available the button will be disabled.

Library, crates and tracklist
- Fixed an issue where "build overviews" and "relocate lost files" would create new crates and duplicate files.
- Added a confirmation dialog box when you edit multiple tags in the library.
- Fixed the bug where the library could get stuck scrolling, after dragging a file quickly out of ITCH from the library area while the tracklist is scrolling.
- Fixed a crash when using the scroll wheel (or two finger scrolling) while the mouse is over the Library column chooser button.
- Fixed the browse panel from not being resizable.
- Fixed a crash that could occur while editing tags if you use ctrl and right arrow to edit the next tag field and the next tag field is off of the screen.
- Added some safeguards against crate corruption.
- Fixed a bug where the bpm column could appear blank in ITCH if you use 'read iTunes library'.

In detail: Fixed bug where if you have accurate song BPMs in ITCH, then use iTunes to edit song tags, then use 'read iTunes library' then the BPM value in ITCH would show up blank until you load the track.

Preferences and setup options
- Removed Track End Warning from setup screen, this is now always on.
- Some option defaults have changed: Center on Selected Song, Auto-Bpm, Auto-Gain & Hi-Qual Resampler all now default to On.
Graphical User interface
- The Pitch-scaled BPM is now displayed to 1 decimal place.
- Stopped the screen saver and screen sleep from starting while ITCH is running.
- Fixed a bug on Mac computers where clicking around on the overviews would sometimes stop the playhead marker from being drawn in the new position.
- Changed the Import button to be labeled "Files" to match the hardware
- Improved switching back and forth between fullscreen and windowed mode on Mac.
- Added missing tooltips for previous and next track on the offline player.
- ITCH can now be run in fullscreen on secondary displays on mac.
- The ITCH window now no longer zooms to fill the screen when going to the exit screen on Mac while ITCH is in window mode.

Tags and metadata
- Fixed bug where sometimes tags would be rescanned on startup, or overviews kept needing rebuilding on the overview builder screen. Please let us know if you see this problem happen after exiting this build.
- Fixed bug where certain AAC files would not save their overviews or other changes made to the file
- Fixed a stall on build overviews for unsupported files.

Other fixes and changes
- Fixed a bug where Beat Sync would crash if no song had been loaded to the other deck since startup.
- Fixed a crash on an MP3 with a certain kind of unsynchronized ID3 tag.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on exit.
- Fixed a crash on certain quicktime files that have no bitrate.
- Fixed missing quicktime files from being marked as corrupt instead of missing.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on AAC files with non-english characters in the filename on windows.
- Fixed a crash on exit that could occur if the browse panel had focus.
- Improved the robustness of importing and relocating lost files for files that normally crash quicktime.

voila fais marcher l inglishhhhhh..
ENJOY IT..... :oo:
Quid des mises à jour ? Ou puis-je les trouver ? J'ai installé le CD et je ne trouve aucun lien dans le logiciel pour mettre à jour, quelqu'un pourrait il m'éclairer sil vous plait? ou me passer un lien. Merci

(et petite remarque, le son du casque est vraiment pourri :/ mauvaise gestion de la sélection CUE/master et son naziard, ca crache, cest pas beau, on entend rien et cest bien dommage...)