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« Extremely full and deep crash that can still cut through the mix »
Publié le 01/10/11 à 00:27
(contenu en anglais)
What I love most about this crash is its fullness. Give it a good "whack" and just listen to the full decay of this crash and you will hear a rich wave of sound. It has some nice hi end brightness but also a nice mellow softness that lets it be bright and cut through the mix but in no way does it sound brittle. My favorite use for this crash is with felt mallets. It has such a great crescendo with these mallets that it can sound like soft wave or a medium gong when played from the rim or a little gong/bell when hit from the bell. I love it and have used it on many recording thus far. I can't think of a single thing that I do not like about this crash. I paid around $100 for this in a package cymbal deal from another musician. I believe they normally go for around $200 so I am happy with that price. If for some reason it leaves me, I would be willing to buy it again at full price if need be. I have used a fair amount of cymbals ranging from lower end Zildjan, sabians and some interesting unnamed cymbals. No crashes I have used so far have had such a well balanced tone. The highs don't pierce your ears and the mids/lows that don't mud up or get lost in the overall kit mix. As a matter of fact, I even used it as a soft ride with some brushes once and it did the job nicely. I definitely recommend this cymbal for all the styles I like to play (Rock, dance/electro/jazz) and I even had some metal guys in the studio who loved the sound of this crash.