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Fulltone Tube Tape Echo
Fulltone Tube Tape Echo

Delay / écho pour guitare de la marque Fulltone

Prix public US : $1,399 incl. VAT
mooseherman mooseherman

« Expensive but amazing Tape Echo unit »

Publié le 30/11/10 à 03:55
Rapport qualité/prix : Mauvais
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is a tape echo unit. It's quite bulky, and large, which might make it seem difficult to use. I honestly wouldn't recommend carrying it around much unless you absolutely must, and even then, make sure you have a heavy duty case for it. The thing is honestly too big to tour with, though, so it's better used at home or in the studio. It actually contains tape, which is used for the echo effect, thus it is a legitimate tape echo. Thus, it has sounds that can really not be replicated fully by any pedal. This model is good because it is less noisy than most tape delays. It has two modes, hi-speed and low-speed, which both result in high end and low end tones, respectively. It has three knobs, echo time, echo volume, and echo repeats.


This is a pretty simple pedal to operate. It goes from a quick slapback to up to 2 seconds of delay, which is long for a tape unit. It has a lever up top that will adjust the speed of the tape inside. It also uses tubes to help lower noise, which makes finding good tones easier. The manual is pretty complex, but it is sufficiently in-depth, and if not, the fulltone website has more than enough information to answer the questions. It is far less problematic than the tape echos of old due to its modern design and updates on the vintage gear.


This is probably up there with the best tape units I've ever seen. It has a better sound than the vast majority of analog and digital units I've encountered. It has such a unique, psychedelic sound that I can't really believe it. It is the absolute perfect way to get the Pink Floyd, psychedelic sound for guitar. It also has a feature where you can split it into a stereo signal, and have one side of it be the guitar signal itself, and the other side have just the echo effect, getting into some wacky stuff. All in all, this is probably the most fantastic-sounding unit out there.


I'll be honest, as good as this unit is, it's way too expensive. However, the people who made it deserve what they can get for it, as I'm sure the labor that went into making each one is quite a burden. For anyone who can afford this, this is without a doubt the best analog tape echo I've ever seen. This puts even some of the best regular analog delay pedals to shame. Highly recommended.