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< Tous les avis DOD FX86B Death Metal Distortion
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DOD FX86B Death Metal Distortion
DOD FX86B Death Metal Distortion
heads on fire heads on fire

« Worst pedal in existence. »

Publié le 02/11/11 à 03:56
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Controls - "R.I.P." (master level); "Guts" (low EQ.); "Pain" (mid EQ.); and "Scream" (high EQ.)
Metal housing
Cheesy Crackle paint
Horrible plastic stomp switch
9v powered, or use external adapter
1/4 inch in and out


This. Pedal. Is. Awful.

If you're in a noise noise noise band, just trying to out-noise everyone else on the show's bill, this is the pedal for you. Otherwise, this is horrendous. This pedal sounds like someone put a microphone in a blender and turned it on "frappe". It is so noisy! It is easy to use - unplug it, and put it in a closet. That is how I like to "use" it - not plugged in to anything that makes music - because it sounds horrendous. The plastic switch is another awful anti-bonus that fully contributes to the amount of suck this pedal has to offer.


This, again, is the worst-sounding pedal of all time. If you have an enemy in a band, you could give this to them and tell them it's the best pedal ever, and see if they use it. If so, they'll lose all their fans, because I don't know how anyone could stand to be in the same room as the DOD Death Metal pedal's terrible crap tone. It doesn't even have a gain control! What self respecting distortion box has no way to control the amount of level?!? The labeling on the controls would be funny if the pedal didn't suck so much. The controls should be labeled "Crap", "Suck", "Terrible", and "Godawful Snake Hiss".


Do not buy this unless you are a masochist. This pedal is good for a paperweight, as a secret stash box, or as a throwable weapon (not that I endorse that kind of behavior). It is not suitable for use as a musical device. It is possibly the worst product that anyone has ever made. Ever. If someone asked me to buy this from them for 5 dollars, I still wouldn't. I wish all versions of this pedal would simultaneously spontaneously combust, and that the memory of this horrid stompbox was cleansed from the minds of all unfortunate witnesses to its supreme terribleness. I hate this stompbox.