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< Tous les avis Reason Studios ReCycle 2.2
ericthegreat ericthegreat

« have used it for over a decade »

Publié le 13/01/12 à 07:10
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
I've been using Recycle 2.1 in for a long time now and still use it sometimes to cut up some basic vocals or something.. Whether you plan to clean up individual audio tracks or record and mix a song, Recycle is relatively intuitive and easy to use.


The program is pretty small, meaning that it runs pretty efficiently on a variety of computers. I've only had it crash on me a couple of times, which I suspect is more due to Windows problems than that with this software. I run it on a Pentium 3 with Windows XP Service Pack 2. I am easily able to record on 8 tracks at a time with my M-Audio Delta 1010 LT sound card. But for the most part you will have no issues getting it running. it’s a pretty basic program that poses no problems at all. A lot of people have used it with many different computers and have no issues.


I now prefer to record with a real mixer with actual knobs, rather than "virtually." (most all programs can mix with a virtual mixer but it never feels like a real one to me) If I were in the business of recording and mixing bands, I likely would use this software or Pro Tools or some other DAW mixing program as it would be very easy to make subtle changes to the mixes, as they would be saved on hard drive. But, since I'm recording for myself, I work how I prefer to, which is mixing by hand. If I were employed by a band, or were in the habit of doing so, Recycle would be invaluable to me in order to make the minute changes to make the recording artist happy, whereas with how I work now I would have to likely start the mix all over again. Instead, I don't have the time or energy to focus hours and hours on a single song, so mixing by hand gets it done for me and keeps me happy. But, I would have no real qualms about mixing with CEP, and have done so in the past.