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C-Mexx C-Console 01V

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Editeur MIDI de la marque C-Mexx

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  • dominiondandominiondan

    commander le O1V

    C-Mexx C-Console 01VPublié le 02/02/14 à 12:50
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    this works great only downside is there is never going to be any more updates and set to a resolution which is quite low in todays standards the layout could be better but is quite usable. Getting the software is quite hard but there is a site out there to get it from the original producers c-mexx

    i have used it a number of times during a live show because it gives me faster assces to some of the dek operations so i could have 3 diffrent things at one on the controller and visually easier to see than the small monocrome desk screen


    very stable never gave me trouble been using for a few months


    give it a go but beware the large price tag $249.00