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Studio & Home Studio Effectrode
Effets et périphériques de studio Effectrode

Effectrode Phase-o-matic / Delta Trem Rack proto

Mauvais état  |  Produit modifié
660 €
795 €
Baisse de prix de 17%
Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Postée il y a 1 mois - Expire dans 51 jours - 288 vues
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Charte Conseils


Effectrode Phase-o-matic / Delta trem Rack prototype :

Fonctionne, mais
- le bouton "color" du phaser a tendance à un peu trop pousser le circuit en oscillation (réglage interne à affiner)
- il y a parfois un faux contact sur le bypass du delta trem ( à la manipulation ou après un gros temps de chauffe).

Il fonctionne donc dans l'ensemble mais nécessite un technicien pour être réellement utilisable, vendu dans l'état !!

Ce n'est pas une copie, ce sont bien les circuits pcb originaux en interne ( cf photos), et les lampes sont toutes neuves en JJ Tesla (5 au total ) ; Grosse alim sur transfo Toroidal et potards de qualité !

Phase-O-Matic :

On more subtle settings the Phaseomatic creates a beautiful, natural sounding vibrato (frequency modulation) and shimmering phasing effects, utilising exactly the same one- and two-stage “Cathodyne” tube circuitry used to in those incredible vintage Magnatone® amps. However, the Phaseomatic’s all-tube circuitry has two additional Cathodyne phase inverters, which allow it to generate a much richer, deeper vibrato and even intense, deep “tunnel” phasing as well as a host of cosmic and spacious sound effects heard on many 1950′s “B” science fiction movie soundtracks.

All Tube: The Phaseomatic utilises four “Cathodyne” tube phase inverters and photocells to create true vibrato and subtle, shimmering phase-chorused effects—pure tube signal processing operating at real amp plate voltages (300VDC!), just like in a vintage amp!
Advanced Mixed-Wave Modulator: Twin LFOs that can generate triangle (linear sweep phasing), sine, pseudo-square (vibe), lopsided and various pulse wave shapes.
“Frozen Sweep” Capability: The LFO is capable of super-long, super-slow 1/180Hz (three minutes!) sweep rates to generate rich, complex comb filter effects. If this isn’t slow enough then a constant output mode allows the comb notches to be “frozen” to create hollow sounding acoustic timbres.
C.V. Inputs For external control from a voltage source or EV-5 expression pedal for lots of phase modulation possibilities. Frozen notches can be moved up and down. This action can be used in conjunction with the internal LFO of the Phaseomatic for articulate and beautiful sweep effects.

Delta-Trem :

he Delta-Trem™ authentically recreates the alluring, hypnotic tone and feel of a vintage amp tremolo.

This is accomplished by using a ‘Raysistor’, a unique component made up from a filament lamp and photo-cell, in conjunction with a vacuum tube signal path – twice for stereo! This gives an exceptionally warm and musical tremolo effect that blends well with clean and overdriven guitar sounds. The dual signal path allows the pedal to operate in mono tremolo mode into a single amp or stereo where the sound is ping-ponged between two amps for a huge, spacious tone.

Circuit operation is extremely quiet with none of the audible “ticking” often associated with tube amp tremolo. The Delta-Trem features a configurable low frequency oscillator that accurately reproduces the classic deep sine wave throb found on early Fender tube amps along with triangle, square, pulse, rising and falling sawtooth waveforms to recreate a “Leslie” rotating speaker swirl through to more intense swampy tremolo effects. This pedal is designed to give players easy access to classic rock ‘n’ roll, blues and surf tremolo tones with outstanding warmth and hi-fidelity.

100% Tube Signal path Vacuum tubes and photo-resistors are utilised to create the tremolo effect. Custom photo-cells ensure absolute minimum harmonic distortion for an exceptionally pure tremolo tone.
Powerful Mixed-Wave Modulator Advanced L.F.O. technology allows continuous control of many waveforms. Standard mode reproduces smoothed triangle (linear) to sine and pseudo-square with all the wave variations between to recreate a range of authentic tube amp tremolo tones. The pedal can be further configured to produce variations of rising and falling sawtooth waves, for “Leslie style” acceleration effects. The Delta-Trem is unique that all waveforms have rounded edges for a sweet and musical tremolo – very usable and quiet operation.
Twin L.F.O. Operation In standard mode the signal is ping-ponged between left and right outputs. The Delta-Trem can also be configured so that the “Depth” knob operates as an independent L.F.O. control. This creates some unique amplitude modulation effects as the channels drift in and out of phase.

Visible pour tests sur Valenciennes
Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Postée il y a 1 mois - Expire dans 51 jours - 288 vues
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  • Vendeur particulier
  • 99 annonces
3 j délai réponse
83.25% taux réponse
22 ans sur AF
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pour 13,12 € de plus
Sécurisé en 3 ou 4x
4 x 172,59 €