Peut être une Workstation, yes, on va pouvoir critiquer!
Citation :
I hesitate to give teaser/hype campaigns extra words, but there’s simply too much anticipation about whatever Swedish hardware maker Elektron is doing to ignore it. The makers of Machinedrum, Monomachine, and Octatrack have a minisite through which they’re gradually trickling out teasers for whatever they’re doing next. The safest bet – particularly given the samples, the background image, and “tradition & future” moniker – is some kind of hardware combining the Octatrack and older drum machine design threads in some new gear. And given the Octatrack’s focus on sampling, a new generation on the synthesis side seems a no-brainer. Update: it’s even more of a no-brainer when the image clearly shows it’s a four-voice synth with CV. Ahem.
[ Dernière édition du message le 03/11/2012 à 14:58:29 ]
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 20 ans
12Posté le 03/11/2012 à 20:31:13
Citation de Alex081 :
Z'avez rien pigés: Tradition et Futur! C'est un synthé analogique qui émule tout synthés virtuels via une interface tactile et qui grave les pistes sur vinyl!!!