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< Tous les avis Behringer MS40
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Behringer MS40
sw80 sw80

« multiple purposes »

Publié le 17/12/12 à 08:18
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Behringer MS 40 monitors are very inexpensive and have a great frequency range with a flat response. I used these for over a year and had some isolation pads under them on my workstation. I had these facing inward at ear level to give me the best possible mixing experience. The difference between these monitors and most others is that it gives you options on it to plug in your MP3 player or keyboard right into it without having to go through an interface to hear the sound. This comes in handy if you want to use your monitors just to listen to music through or take them with you for your keyboard but it is a feature that I did not use too much so it did not matter to me either way.


The sound was pretty good, the response was pretty flat and you can turn these all the way up and not have to worry about losing any sound quality. Because these are so cheap it is great to have a pair of them so that you can use them for multiple purposes down the road if you need to.


There are 20 watt amps built into each monitor but that is not enough power to really get a huge sound. But for the price that these cost you can not expect a much better sound. My favorite feature of these speakers is that there are treble and bass knobs on them so that you can adjust them accordingly. These feature is really only good for when you are listening to music through your mp3 player or using them with your keyboard. Because when using them for mixing you never really want to mess with the bass and treble because that can affect your mix terribly on the high and low end. You will love this monitors because they have multiple purposes but if you are looking for a big sound then these might not be the best option for you.