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M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96
M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96

Enregistreur/Studio de poche de la marque M-Audio appartenant à la série MicroTrack

Nouveau firmware 1.3.3

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 685 vues
Sujet de la discussion Nouveau firmware 1.3.3

Ce message pour vous informer qu'une nouvelle version du firmware est sortie y'a qq semaines mais je n'ai pas vu d'annonce ici donc voici un extrait de sa description.

On notera l'arrivée de l'enregistrement mono, d'une interface en Français et des corrections de bugs bienvenues (comme les "rebonds" de la molette NAV)...

Major new Features and Improvements

- Auto split added. If the 2GB file size limit is reached during a recording, the MicroTrack will automatically start a new file for recording. This will continue until either the MicroTrack battery runs out of sufficient charge or the media runs out of space (at which time the currently recording file will be saved and recording will stop). NOTE: There will be a gap between files ranging from 5-9 seconds, depending on the recording resolution and size/speed of the media being used.
- Mono Recording added. When recording mono from the analog inputs, the inputs are monitored directly. This means that when monitoring, you will still hear whatever source is on the right channel even though it is not being recorded. Only the left channel will be recorded. For MP3 format recordings, a Stereo MP3 file will be created but both left and right tracks will contain whatever was recorded into the left channel. For WAV recordings a true mono WAV file is created. Note that when recording from S/PDIF, input monitoring (whether mono or stereo) is not supported.
- Increased record buffer size to increase compatibility with media when recording 24-bit/96kHz.
- S/PDIF is now enabled to record at sample rates up to 24-bit/96kHz.

New UI Items:

- Adjusted the response of the NAV control to better prevent navigation double entries.
- Recorder menus now pin at top and bottom.
- French, German, and Italian languages added.
- Added warning at boot-up with the option of reformatting if the CF card is not formatted properly.
- Added automatic reboot after formatting media.
- Standardized the buttons to boot up the Application when in Card Reader mode or AC Power mode and to exit the ‘sleep’ screen. Previously, the DEL key launched the application from card reader or AC power modes and the POWER button exited from the ‘sleep’ screen. Both buttons will now work in either situation.
- Removed boot loader version display on power-up. Boot loader and firmware versions are now both displayed in MENU > SYSTEM > VERSION.

General Fixes:

- Changed the behavior of the MicroTrack when powered up with hold button engaged. MicroTrack will now display “Hold Key is Active” message and then power off unless it is plugged into power or USB in which case it will go into either Card Reader mode if connected to a computer or AC Power mode if plugged into the power supply. To boot up into the ‘Application’, turn off the hold switch and then press either the DEL button or the POWER button. If you remove power from the MicroTrack while the hold switch is on and while still in Card Reader mode or AC Power mode, the MicroTrack will power off.
- Fixed the time available counter so it displays properly on cards over 4GB in size.
- Turned off the backlight when in Card Reader mode or AC Power mode.
- Fixed issue of not always allowing 2GB recordings on media larger than 4GB.
- Fixed problem where files sometimes wouldn't save properly when volume filled to capacity.
- Fixed problem of certain CF media not being recognized as inserted.

... étrange : Sur le site de m-audio, la dernière version à télécharger ne semble être que la 1.2.0 .... alors que pour ma part j'ai la 1.2.3, que j'avais téléchargé chez eux...
Bizarre, bizarre ! :| :???:

EDIT : Je dit n'importe quoi !!! :lol: j'étais dans "drivers" et pas dans "firmware" ! :clin: