Annonces Berlin Woodwinds Revive
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Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Orchestral Tools
- Modèle : Berlin Woodwinds Revive
- Série : Berlin
- Catégorie : Ensembles d'instruments à vent virtuels
- Fiche créée le : 25/10/2017
Mise à jour de la banque d'échantillons sonores d'instruments à vent orchestraux pour Kontakt
- Attack Control
- Adaptive Legato System
- Agile Runs Patches
- Trills Orchestrator
- DIVISI concept with 2nd and up to 3rd instruments
- CAPSULE Standard Mic Perspectives
- Baed on CAPSULE for Kontakt
- 24Bit / 48KHz Patches
- Works with the free Kontakt Player 5.5.1 or Kontakt 5.5.1
- Size BWW Revive: 90 GB compressed
Piccolo (new recordings)
Flute 1
Flute 2 (new recordings)
Flute 3 (new recordings)
Alto Flute (new instrument)
Oboe 1 (new recordings)
Oboe 2 (new recordings)
English Horn (new recordings)
Clarinet 1 (new recordings)
Clarinet 2
Bassoon 1
Bassoon 2
Additionally, Berlin Woodwinds Legacy contains the following Ensembles:
Flute Ensemble 8va
Clarinet Ensemble a3
The freedom to choose the right attack on sustains in specific musical situations is crucial.
With Berlin Woodwinds Revive we deliver Soft, Immediate and Accented Attacks for full flexibility.
Berlin Woodwinds Revive contains our famous and fluid Adaptive Legato System which naturally adapts to your performance.
Depending on your playing speed, CAPSULE automatically chooses the right legato style (slurred, fast runs) for the most natural results.
In film music and big orchestral scores, woodwinds and runs belong together. With Berlin Woodwinds Revive we deliver runs patches for almost all instruments to realize realistic and agile runs.
In Berlin Woodwinds Legacy, additionally we offer Octave Scale Runs and the Runs Builder for the flute and clarinet ensembles.
The Trills Orchestrator script manages the biggest collection of different trills and interval tremolos ever created and it is a huge time-saver. Choose your trill interval by just pressing the starting note and final note. Available Trills: half tone, whole tone, minor 3rd, major 3rd, 4th, augmented 4th and 5th trills (Berlin Woodwinds Legacy)
The Berlin Woodwinds concept of building ensembles or divisi parts offers you the highest value of flexibility. Build your custom ensembles or write polyphonic woodwind chorales in the quality that made Berlin Woodwinds to the standard for film composers around the wold.
Like in all our Berlin Series Main Collections, in Berlin Woodwinds Revive we offer a complete mic setup for full blending flexibility:
- Close
- AB
- Tree
- Surround
Autres catégories dans Instruments à vent virtuels
Autres dénominations : berlinwoodwindsrevive