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< Tous les avis Alta Moda Audio AM-20
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Alta Moda Audio AM-20
Alta Moda Audio AM-20
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mooseherman mooseherman

« Great Parametric EQ with great frequency curve »

Publié le 14/12/10 à 21:41
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is a parametric EQ for use in the recording studio or home studio. As it's a rather expensive piece of gear, it's probably better for use with analog consoles or mic-pres, as opposed to digital ones that come in the Digi 003 or something like that. With a home studio setup you are probably just as well off using plug-ins. There aren't any crazy effects or anything like that with this EQ. It's an analog technology. There are no computer or MIDI connections.


The Utilization of the EQ is pretty easy for the most part. It has four bandwidths, Low, Low Mid, High Mid, and High. There is a frequency knob for each bandwidth that actually overlaps the next bandwidth on either side, giving you a complete control of the sound assuming you want to boost on the lower end of one bandwidth but cut the higher end of the same one. There is also a shape knob which will determine the amount of frequencies boosted or cut.


I was pretty impressed overall with the sound of this EQ. I'd say that we have got a pretty phenomenal deal with this as it works just as well as a lot of the other EQs in our console but is much cheaper. It's super flexible for one of these EQs but gives much better response than most other EQs in the studio. The boosts don't seem as artificial as some of the plug-in EQs do, and the cuts are much more forgiving of tone. I'd have to say I am disappointed we don't have more of them as I'd use them on everything I could if I had the opportunity!


I like this EQ quite a bit, it's certainly one of the better stand-alone EQs we have at the studio, and definitely a better one than most. I'd certainly say that the price is pretty reasonable overall considering how phenomenal it is. It's definitely a great piece of gear and can hang with the old console EQs any day of the week. I've used lots of EQs and this is one of the better ones I've used. Highly recommended.