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< Tous les avis Dwarfcraft Devices Great Destroyer
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Dwarfcraft Devices Great Destroyer
Dwarfcraft Devices Great Destroyer
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James... James...

« Nasty noisy fuzzy distortion »

Publié le 16/12/11 à 21:19
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Fairly basic design. Input and output. Has your usual volume tone and gain knobs. But the starve knob is what makes this unique. It reduces the amount of power allowing into the circuit. I'm not entirely sure why but this is meant to induce a ton of noise and nastiness to the tone.


I'm a collector of weird pedals and I recently found this brand and fell in love. All of their pedals seem very well built and super unique and The Great Destroyer is no exceptions. I'm the kind of player who has used all the typical fuzzes and the idea of a box that "starves" itself for power is crazy and interesting. Structurally this pedal (and the other Dcraft pedals I have tried feel solid.) I believe they are handmade by one guy.


With the starve knob off this is just an evil sounding fuzz pedal. It sounds very doom death metally...? If that's a way of saying things. It seems to like lower tunings also. Perhaps it could be used for bass? Anyway, the starve knob is where things get crazy. You an literally make this pedal scream...fart...short out...whine...whatever. There's all kinds of insane noises to be made here. A lot of the time it sounds like AM radio feedbacks or alien noises. If you're sitting here wondering how you could possibly use this in your music, maybe you play the wrong kind of music...


I really like this pedal. I was expecting something a lot more vanilla. It seems to react differently to different amps and pedals. The special effects possibilities are endless really. If you want a doomy sounding fuzz pedal with the ability to make you some scary noise rhythmic effects, I highly recommend you give it a shot. I'm loving every Dwarfcraft pedal I can get my hands on.