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Radikal Technologies Spectralis
Radikal Technologies Spectralis

NEW OS 1,04 !!!!!!!!!!!

  • 7 réponses
  • 5 participants
  • 997 vues
Sujet de la discussion NEW OS 1,04 !!!!!!!!!!!
hello a tous,

radikal tech nous a encore pondue un nouvelle Os, ce n est toujours pas le dernier et on s approche pourtant de la perfection avec cette machine !!!!! 

nouvelles fonctions.

random pattern (drum, ou synth ou ALL)
random sound, ou on peu radomizer, le sample, les parametres, ou les 2 en meme tps.
transpose assigné au clavier
nouveaux mode de mute.

plus a voir sur le se forum :

@plus bonne music a tous


Un truc de dingue cette boite

[ Dernière édition du message le 27/09/2009 à 15:32:05 ]

Et encore une nouvelle version

1.04 k

Voici la liste des modifs depuis l'os 1.30 COD

-P Fix: Shift-State-LED sometimes reset on Mapping Changes
-P Mod: QuickSound now regular "Num Button Mode" (no longer Overlay Function)
-P Fix: MiniKeyboard does not trigger Drums Part (bug introduced with Arpeggiator)
-P New: StepEdit, Function+10..13 selects resolution 1/12..1/32
-P Mod: Keys outside Transpose-Window forwarded to the Synth as usual
-P Mod: FX Edit Page removed from Song Menu
-P Mod: Mixer Modes can be left using EXIT
-P Mod: Pattern Transpose Re-Implemented. Transpose functionality is now a member
of the Part group and reachable using Shift+Play. Transpose mode is indicated
by a blinking PLAY Led. Transpose mapping is similar to the mini keybed:
Keys 1-12 allow up-transpose within one octave. Key 14 and 16 may transpose
by octaves down and up. A continuous led indicates transpose by a single octave,
blinking represents transpose by more than one octave. Key 15 reverts to the
nominal octave (not the note offset within the octave).
Please note that Key 13 represents a transpose by one octave which is interpreted
to be within the nominal octave so transposition Leds are still off. However,
Key 15 will reset such a transpose back to zero.
-Q New: Randomize uses number buttons to directly randomize a sound for a
specific part.
-Q Mod: Changed several Menu Titles
-Q Fix: Following Menus now displays Device (like OSC1-4) instead of Parameter Names (like 4xGlide):
- Glide-Menu
- VCO Pitchbend Range
- LFO Wave Menu
- LFO Modulation Depth
- LFO Rate Menu
- 24dB: Lin/Exp FM
- Multimode: Exp FM
-Q Mod: DSynth: Unisono/Detune removed from Menu for all Drum Parts
-Q Fix: Selecting Drums Part does not close DSP Wave Menu
-Q Mod: DSynth: Disabled LFO EG Submenu (for now)
-Q Mod: ASynth: Disabled VCO Fine Tune Modulation Menu (for now)
-R Mod: Randomize allows Selection of SubCategory and selective update of waveform/filter
-S Mod: Randomize Keep/Recall preserves SubCategory selection
-T Mod: Randomize uses Encoder 1-16 instead of Key 1-16 to directly randomize a Part
-T Mod: Mini Keyboard follows external Part Selection
-W Mod: Sequencer and digital Sound Engine stopped while USB is connected.
-Y Mod: Reworked Randomize Mode:
- Grouped with PartSelect/PartPlay
- Step-Encoder select Part (press) and Category (rotate)
- NumButtons select Part and randomizes a sound
- Last settings are saved in INI
-Z Mod: Groove-Edit Step/Accent+Num10..13 directly changes line resolution 1
-B Mod: Speedup on Channel Enable Ramp (faster Mute/Solo).
-B Fix: Rebuilt DSP Code for Spectralis1 (fixes USB unplug-detection).
-C Fix: Shift-Led sometimes remains lit after disconnecting USB.
-D New: Format and Factory-Image-Restore re-implemented for LBA Devices (CF-Flash)
-D Mod: All MIDI Controllers are explicitly reset on Stop, not only automated controllers.
-D Mod: Simultaneous Realtime Recording of up to 8 Controllers
-D Fix: Increased Command Timeout for SD-Cards, to get slower Types detected correctly.
-E New: MasterVolume displays current value on Turn&Push
-E New: MuteMode selectable per Part between Voice and Trigger (Motif-Menu and PartMute + ShiftNumButton)
-F Fix: Pending automated Controller will be reset on Pattern Swap.
-G Fix: Recorded depth of modulation on analog part is doubled.
-G Mod: Changed internal definition of Synth Parameters
-G Mod: Changed Naming in Target Selection Popup Menu for digital Parts
-H Mod: Huge rework to make recordable encoders happen, but this is still not finished yet. One effect will be noticeable though, that during recording most controls on the surface seem to be unresponsive, and the few already working (only within the hybrid synth) were reset when recording finishes. This is intended behaviour in that form, that encoders
should be recorded and no longer change the sound stored within the pattern.
-I Mod: Non-recordable encoders fall back to their default processing. Otherwise some required display encoders were also captured.
-I Fix: Recording Quantization defaults to 1/24
-J Fix: Sustain Pedal not working
-K Fix: Target Selection for Digital Parts displays ASyn2/ASyn3/DSyn1 instead of DSyn1/DSyn2/DSyn3
-K Mod: Default Reverse Point for empty Pattern is set to G8 (was C-3)
-K Fix: Relocated Mixer UI above Recording UI to allow FX Pages to be opened without abort recording.

[ Dernière édition du message le 12/10/2009 à 09:54:53 ]

salut les gas j ai deja change mais je me souviens plus comment j ai mis les dernier os dans la carte du spekie mais je suis toujours sous le 1.3 k comment faire merci
Heuu comment dire...
T'es aller faire un tour sur le forum du Spectralis?
C'est en Sticky: English: How to upgrade the firmware?

Free As In Freedom

yes merci merci freely
la becane la plus casse tete chinois
bien sur que c est un truc de dingue cette machine !!!!!!

ca fait deux ans qu on attend qu il ponde cette OS on y a cru et voila !! (certain n y croiyais plus)
on a enfin le OUT qui ne sert plus qu a envoyer des notes ou du CC ce qui etai deja enorm la elle envoi sa propre clock     et plein d autres amuse gueule!! 

il reste encore a faire avant qu elle ne soi complete COURAGE jorg !!
avec la speckie 2 ca devrai faire du beurre dans les epinards et une progression rapide de l'OS du coup!!
Mais quel bo cadeaux pour noel cett OS 1.04 !!            

pour passer en 1.04 ta juste a mettre ta speckie en usb et mettre le fichier  .COD sur le SPEC FLASH depuis ton pc(poste de travail) ou encore plus simple tu balance le fichier .cod sur ta smart media tu allum ta speckie :

-appui shift + system deplace toi sur la page 4/4 et la tu push le potard en dessous upgrade et ca ce fait tout seul tu peut ensuite retirer le fichier de ta smart media
Le bof a GRO NANAR

[ Dernière édition du message le 09/11/2009 à 12:15:15 ]