Non je n'ai pas pu essayé la partie sampler......mais déja le reste clak. Le mec de MESI ne savait pas comment elle fonctionnai, et le manuel etait en anglais.
Un top pour le son; un flop pour l'instant car avec seulement 1/3 des fonctionnalités, un séquenceur qui necessite un passage par la touche stop avant d'enregistrer....
Un futur top si l'OS donne rapidement ce qu'elle est sensée offir.
Here are some more demos, which we did not publish so far. The polypad sound was just played live on a keyboard - all other demos are produced with the spectralis internal sequencers. The new patterns are part of the next update that will appear soon. This update will have step by step recording for the pattern sequencer and quantisation for the realtime recording.
The filterbank already allows a lot of cool sounds. Especially when modulated with the step-sequencer. The demos demonstrate some of these filterbank effects. However - the creation of vocal vowels will be much easier with all the edit options we are planning to do in further firmware updates. The filterbank will become totally programmable. It is also planned to add more stages for steeper filter curves.
TIP: Radikal Technologies has a booth at the Remix Hotel in Manhatten from the 3rd to the 5th June in Manhatten. Time and space for everyone to see and hear the spectralis in real! Further infos can be taken from the remixhotel website at: