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< Tous les avis Fender Mustang [1964-1982]
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Fender Mustang [1964-1982]
Fender Mustang [1964-1982]

Guitare Electrique Solid Body de type JZ/JG de la marque Fender appartenant à la série Mustang

mooseherman mooseherman

« Great Surf Guitar »

Publié le 12/05/10 à 02:03
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is a lesser known Fender Guitar that was made in America. It has a maple body and a rosewood fingerboard. It has a slightly offset body which gives it its distinct look. There are two single coil pickups which each have their own selector, which means you can turn one or both on at once. It's an interesting take on the selector switch. There is a volume knob and a tone knob, as well as an output jack on the face of the guitar. There are 22 frets on the 24 inch neck, so the neck is a bit short compared to Teles and Strats. The bridge is a floating tremolo bridge with a tremolo bar, a more expressive one than is found on Strats or Teles.


This guitar plays really well, as it's been worn in over the years. The guitar is pretty light and feels really great to play. The drivers on this guitar are in good shape. The tremolo bridge is actually really great, the arm is far more expressive than most and the strings are not so easily put out of tune by it. Getting a good sound out of this is pretty easy.


This guitar sounds phenomenal. It was traditionally used for surf rock which means great clean tones for rock and blues players. It's got a nice, clear bell-like tone. I think that I like it best with distortion though, it has a great sound for indie and alternative rock. It doesn't really hit too hard but it gets just the right fuzzy sounds from distortion pedals and stuff. I really like using it with a Fender Twin, and a Big Muff. That gives it a great classic indie sound. It doesn't always work perfectly for me but sometimes there's nothing better!


I like the distinct tone that this guitar has, it's really different from the other Fenders I've played. It doesn't fit with some of the older rock sounds that I like as much, but it certainly has character. I would say that getting one before a Strat or a Tele might not be the best move unless you are absolutely sure. I also would never want to put humbuckers in it, that'd ruin the sound. It was kind of expensive but that's too be expected for a great guitar. I haven't played too many Mustangs but I've noticed the reissues are terrible inferior. I would recommend this to most people who are really into alternative rock.